
 Diplody (diplodium) - the upper edge of the chiton, the lower garment of the ancient Greeks in the VIII-II centuries. BC Was a surplus of tissue that is folded from the neck down and drop down to the chest, waist, hips and legs. In their outfits diplody used mostly women who came to his drapery variously perepoyasyvali, lengthening ...
 Diplody (diplodium) - the upper edge of the chiton, the lower garment of the ancient Greeks in the VIII-II centuries. BC Was a surplus of tissue that is folded from the neck down and drop down to the chest, waist, hips and legs. In their outfits diplody used mostly women who came to his drapery variously perepoyasyvali, elongated on the sides, so that he went down along the legs, or even imitated separation from the tunic, turning diplody an independent item of clothing. Although later diplody really separated, becoming a sleeveless blouse that buttoned buckles on his shoulders. He was also decorated with ornaments, embroidery or applique.