
 Syllable "gro" appearing at the beginning of the name of the fabric, means that it is made of silk material. Such matter were very popular in XVII-XIX centuries. Originally they were made only in France and Italy, and widely exported. Later, silk production appeared in other European countries. Grogrony, grodenapli, grodafriki and other matter much ...
 Syllable "gro" appearing at the beginning of the name of the fabric, means that it is made of silk material. Such matter were very popular in XVII-XIX centuries. Originally they were made only in France and Italy, and widely exported. Later, silk production appeared in other European countries.

Grogrony, grodenapli, grodafriki and other matters were very different from each other and appearance, and price. For example, the production of grogrona were selective cocoons of silkworms, giving long filaments. Cloth different fineness and density, as well as a very high price from it sewed dear ladies toilets. At the same time, slightly gritty grodafrik, tkavshiysya filaments of different lengths, more accessible, and was not only for clothing, but also for furniture upholstery. Today, these fabrics are not made, the names of them also fell into disuse.