The Legend of the Indian yogis buried or where the elixir of youth.

 The frequency of the pronunciation of the truth of the phrase "Man is what he eats" does not change.  Have you ever thought about why Indian yogis live happily ever after, it does not suffer from severe chronic diseases, they are not pressing the load stress and unresolved problems. Why so?  

Christmas Makeover

Years of practice spiritual and physical, of course, doing their job. But have you ever where they have so much strength and energy? Why are their faces shine some amazing purity and youth, and her eyes radiate warmth and love for the world.

The frequency of the pronunciation of the truth of the phrase "Man is what he eats," does not change.

Everyone knows that you need to eat right and like it is not so difficult. But instead of oatmeal for breakfast, for some reason, sandwiches, toast and other vermin, for lunch burgers, chops, steaks and canned fruit dessert for dinner - yogurt, coffee and cakes. On the next Monday we are going to start to live a new, read clever books, hear the wise speech, visit the psycho, but life somehow runs in its own direction, sometimes not listening to our wishes and plans.

His head might think, well, and here is what we eat. But just as the car will go badly for poor-quality gasoline, and all our attempts to improve their own lives will be little effective if we will fill ourselves the wrong fuel. In Vedic knowledge is such a thing as a living or satvichnaya food. Ideally, it should be 70% of our diet.

The ancient rishis argued that the quality of the food you eat is directly related to the quality of our life, health, physical and mental, respectively. Sattvic food - is:

• Vegetables and fruits
• Cereals
• Legumes
• Nuts
• Milk
• Fresh fruit and vegetable juices

The use of these products as the main diet for 30 days (for the sake of the experiment), and throughout life (in order to discover the elixir of youth) would result in:

• Significant increase in energy and life potential
• Improved concentration
• The emergence of the "inner lightness" and creative approach to
• Significant weight loss
• Finding of the more attractive figure
• Improved skin tone
• a deeper and more restful night's sleep
• Stress Reliever
• improve mood
• More sensitive feeling of what is happening around
• Wellness

But, besides the proper selection of products, you must also know when and what to eat well. In Ayurveda there are a set of recommendations that have been around for 5,000 years and give to everyone the beauty and health:

1. Eat only freshly prepared food.
2. The main meal should fall on lunch hours (12 - 15 hours)
3. Avoid meals after 8pm
4. Most of your diet should be sattvic food.
 5. Use the tips and tricks of Ayurveda Physician for good planning your diet.

This is a fairly simple tips, so let's not put off the decision to start a new life until Monday.
Change all now and then elixir of health and youth, you no longer need.

Tags: Yogi legend