Lunch workaholic: that chew front of the monitor?

 You belong to one of the "lucky", diners at the office? On the pages of women's magazine JustLady products that will help you stay on course nutrition, without leaving your computer.

10 is an ideal product for office coffee break

1. Nuts

They are no worse than crackers: yes they can, without interrupting your workflow. However, unlike the dried nuts flavored bread also useful. Walnuts, for example, help immunity always be on top, and hazelnuts not give nod to the working noon.

2. Dried fruits

Surprisingly, often dried fruits are better fresh. In the dried figs, for example, is 10 times more useful than just collected. And they - an excellent source of energy, an ideal alternative to endless candy from a vending machine on the floor.

3. Dairy products

Live yogurt and kefir can do with our body wonders: balances the nervous system and at the same time reduce drowsiness and chronic "defocus". Almost new generation of drugs - no sedation.

4. Muesli

British nutritionists have found that this popular breakfast can not only satisfy hunger, but also to improve mental performance. It is time to abandon stereotypes and have cereal for lunch.

5. Whole grain bread or bread

Lettuce, a slice of cheese and bread - perfect sandwich is ready. Tasty, useful and benefit figure.

6. Honey

Another alternative to chocolate bars. You can, by the way, add a little honey and raisin stuffing wrapped it in a lettuce leaf. Unusual and healthy dessert (honey enhances immunity and activates the brain cells).

7. Bitter Chocolate

If dates, nuts and honey, and do not help the body persistently wants chocolate, one has only to choose the bitter varieties without nuts and other additives. They contain a minimum of artificial fillers and less threatening to the waist.

8. Hard cheese

Parmesan is not only delicious, but also useful to their "brothers". 100g parmesan nutritionally can be equated to 200 grams of pork. And it contains a lot of calcium, which takes an important part in many processes in the body. For example, to improve memory.

9. Instant porridge

If you choose between two evils, instead of noodles or porridge lunch noodles preferable. Kashi improve digestion. Choose neslivochnye simple options with a small amount of additives - thus the risk of harm to the body is reduced to a minimum.

10. Fresh fruits, berries and vegetables

Talk about the usefulness bought on the way to the office or blueberry cucumber somehow even strange. But if someone else does not know, blueberries positive effect on vision (what is necessary for computer slaves!), And cucumber is refreshing and invigorating. Other greens will not be too excessive.

Useful Tips

Food brought from home should be easy variation on fast food. Well, let's say it can be personally prepared sandwiches from wholemeal bread, chicken and vegetables. Or salad in pita bread (the same chicken, avocado, arugula and other taste wrapped in thin pita bread, as a sauce berry suitable options - for example, sour cranberry or lingonberry jam). But the food that requires heating in the microwave - not the best choice. Office oven usually used too often likely exhausted its long life, in this case, the waves may harm health.

Lunches to order better to take a verified company. Otherwise there is a risk to stumble upon unscrupulous producers and low-quality food. A claim will be no one to present: Telephone operators often simply hang up. By the way: fried dishes on the menu of restaurants is better not to choose. You have no guarantee that the oil on which they're prepared to be changing on a regular basis and does not contain carcinogens.

For pizza, sushi, Ossetian pies and other "outbound fast food" should be approached too closely. For example, you should ask in advance test, which is preparing a pizza: it must be unleavened and thin. Sushi is better to choose with smoked fish species (such as eel): shipping usually takes a long time, and raw fish can simply deteriorate the road. And in the Ossetian pies importantly - filling: cheese and potatoes - is, of course, tasty, but hardly useful. Cabbage - already better.

Tags: monitor, lunch