Fitness FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

 14 most frequently asked questions about fitness, we find the answers together.

1. What is the best time to exercise?

Say exactly what the best time for training is impossible. The main train at the same time. Is it morning or evening is not very important.

2. What exercises are the most effective?

It will be very good if your workouts will include the following exercises:

· Strength exercises
· Aerobic exercise
· Stretching exercises

On the strength exercises (gym) need to take at least two sessions per week. Duration of training 1-1, 5 hours. For aerobic exercise is best suited quiet running duration of 20-30 minutes. It is best to run every day except days of strength training. Attention !!! Need to run a very clean air !!!

3. Can I use exercise to lose weight in a particular part of the body?

Weight is reset when you spend more calories than you take. Strength training strengthens the muscles, but do not turn fat into muscle fibers. When muscles become stronger and begin to grow, requires a lot of calories, and then begins to "melt" fat and turn into calories. Eat less !!!

4. Is it dangerous to rapid weight loss?

Without harm to health can lose weight at 200-1000 grams per week. At the beginning of weight loss programs can be reset and more weight. If you constantly reset more than 1 kg per week you will "burn" is not only fat but also muscle power and which is responsible for your successful weight loss.

5. Is it good to feel muscle pain during and after training?

"No pain, no gain" - the motto of the past. Exercise does not have to be painful, but the pain is not a sign of a good workout. You may feel pain in the muscles after the beginning of training, but should not be so constantly. If pain is present after each workout, then you too rapidly increasing workload. Nothing good is you will not.

6. What are the signs of overtraining?

· Loss of physical abilities
· Fatigue, even after a day of rest
· Bad mood, anxiety, depression
· Rapid pulse
· Muscle pain even after a long rest
· Poor appetite

7. What do I need to do to not overtrain and do not get hurt?

· Listen carefully your body, because it live :)
· 1-2 days of rest to the body replenish its resources and was able to prepare for further loads
· Increase the load is not more than 10% per week, especially if you were unsportsmanlike lifestyle
· Diversify sometimes your training - run, swim, play Volleyball ...
· Use high-quality, serviceability and safety equipment in training
· Before performing a new exercise, it is necessary to learn how to perform correctly

8. It is useful if the train through the pain?

No. Pain - a signal the body that it is harmed. If exercising ignore the pain, it can be easily turned into a trauma, such as torn ligaments. Therefore, if your muscles are sore - an extra day rest, have a drink of juice, sleep enough, finally, as follows.

9. How can I keep in shape while recovering from excessive overtraining (injury)?

There are different types of physical activities that do not aggravate the condition of overtraining and help maintain shape. Diving is often useful in such a case. In water, the person is in a state of weightlessness. Also you can train undamaged part of the body, such as feet when injured shoulder.

10. How long does it need to eat before a workout?

Grab a snack an hour before exercise, but good to eat better for 2-3 hours before your workout. To train on a full stomach is not only uncomfortable, but also harmful.

11. I have a dry mouth during exercise?

All who diligently engaged in the hall - sweat and thus lose water. Take the time to drink water during your workout. The loss of only 3% of the body fluid may cause severe dizziness and fatigue.

12. When I do exercise, I hold my breath for a long time.

Proper breathing is very important in training. If there is oxygen in the muscles - there is strength. Overlapping oxygen is harmful to the brain and heart (muscle). Try to do to make sure that the room was ventilated.

13. Why warm up - it's so boring and useless?

If you are going to really train rather than spend time in the room, the warm-up is necessary. 5-7 minutes on an exercise bike, treadmill or rope. Then you can wave "wings" and kicks.

14. The best remedy for a hangover - active training.

Want to ditch the health, can continue in the same spirit. Exercise after a big drinking only 2-3 days. All these days drink plenty of water and take vitamins.