Charging for the lazy

 The healing power of massage is known to many. It relaxes and invigorates, stretches and tones, but also helps to lose weight. Today in the beauty industry human hands have given way to modern technology - myostimulation.

Exposure of the skin and muscles with electrical pulses helps acquire healthy tone, generates muscle, promotes weight loss. Forgive us fans of the gym, but myostimulation - a great alternative to any physical education. How often we do not even have enough time to three exercises per week ... And look athletic and taut - not the obligation, and the norm of modern life.

Curiously, originally myostimulation method was invented not for pyshnotelye ladies. Its first application myostimulation found in rehabilitation centers. That after trauma or surgery in humans, bedridden, muscle atrophy does not happen, they are maintained in good shape with the help of the electrodes. Only a few years in the vast beauty industry miostimulyatory finally had his loyal fans.

What is modern myostimulator? At one end of the muscle is put electrode with a negative charge, on the other - with a positive. Between the electrodes generates an alternating current and the muscle begins to contract so as you create it load. The difference is that your body does not sweat on the simulator, and reclines on a cozy couch.

By the method of exposure miostimulyatory divided into three main groups: devices Slimtens, Bodyform and Slim train the muscles of the body, the model adjusts Bustliner bust and devices Tonique and Facepure designed for skin care face and neck. The most powerful of all existing instruments has 12 electrodes, whereby a single session can be affected simultaneously into 6 groups of muscles of the back, abdomen or legs. In this 40 minute procedure using such a device is equivalent polutorochasovoy intensive training on the simulator. The unit "Slim Art», in addition to the usual set of electrodes, there is an additional, which is attached to the heel. Electrode signal to be subcortical brain, and blood ejected "pleasure hormones" - endorphins. Thanks to such devices, simulation sport is becoming more sophisticated. It features an program "aerobics" - turns out the same load on the muscles, as in aerobic exercise at pulse 135, the program "Step", staffed mainly the area of ​​the buttocks and legs, as well as "water aerobics". In this mode, gradually increasing the strength of the pulse.

Apparatus called «Quantum» by computer determines the amount of body fat relative to the amount of muscles in the body. Further, the electrodes are supplied pulses which accelerate lymphatic and you lose pounds before our eyes.
Instrument «Ionto-lift Body & Face» the most trusted professional beauticians. He examines the state of their own muscles and determines what load it needs at the moment. The doctor can only insert a smart card from one of the four programs: Body slimming with weight loss, Body toning - to revive the muscles or Body cellulite, cellulite a separating cells using specific impulses.

In some instruments myostimulation combined with the effect of the sauna. Rises above the sunbed "arch" with infrared lamps. Five minutes before the procedure begins, the infrared rays heat the subcutaneous tissue. If a lot of adipose tissue, the process of heating is increased to 10 to 15 minutes.

Before you start the procedure well, the skin is carefully cleaned by any suitable for this type of skin means, and only then applied electrodes. Under the influence of electric pulses, with the participation of the gel with an extract of seaweed, has a strengthening and toning effect, there is a contraction of the muscles, acceleration of blood circulation, resulting in noticeable improvements to the overall condition of the body. Emphasize to improve, rather than a complete cure. For example, to the fact that myostimulation quite successfully treats cellulite, many cosmetologists are very skeptical, but the results are pretty impressive.

Tags: charging