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 Jean-Charles de Castelbajac - amazing designer! Hereditary French aristocrat and futurist in one person. He always gush funky ideas. Perhaps because the very young at heart and is friends with the generation of two sons.
Your submission!

Cam without knowing it (summer collection show in the winter), he created a real megahit for Russian girls. Who knew that the theme of football will be for us a topical exactly this summer? At first, "Zenith" won the UEFA Cup, and then our team won the bronze medal at the European Championships. Who has not watched and cheered for our guys still know exactly what counts as screaming fans in each window, on roofs and in the café.

It's time to wear a masterpiece Castelbajac until the summer season is not over! Even deprived of male attention Woman totchno notice! Work reflex. Alas - not the main, and gained over time to carefully otsmotren championships. It is possible she may gather around eleven people on one side of him, and the same with the other. With it, be sure to start flirting. Rules of the game are such that to touch her hands, no one would dare. Well, how? That's right - Castelbajac knew that you enjoy. She should remember one thing - its task into the arms of the one who is on duty at the gate. He - the only one has the right to hug her. And their desire is mutual. But the main thing - to run it very quickly. The most important thing to keep kicked.

Alexander Vyazovskaya
Journal Justlady

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