Wardrobe good girl

 This Collection Chloe anonymous - author of the recent collections and lovely flowering culprit brand Phoebe Philo left the post of art director. But it invented the style was very sturdy. Collection precisely repeats not only developed in recent years, the style of the brand, but also retains the main mood. Chloe this season is still touching, fresh and JNA.  

The clothesChloe A balance between simplicity and minimalism, and even challenging, notably fine finishes. Despite the fact that all things are recognizable, the collection is sustained in the spirit of the season trends. This time the focus is on volume, dimensionless things. Since the basic style of the brand deliberately childish, Dresses baby-doll silhouette seem to be "bought for growth."

Still surprisingly gentle look tunics and dresses favoriteChloe A-shaped encountered in past collections of the brand. His short and wide, with a skirt round, this season, they are particularly relevant. Under sundress designersChloe offer to wear bright shirts or tight fitting blouse with puffy sleeves three quarters. All together looks maiden modestly in the style of this "Father's Daughter."

Pantsuits, too, does not resemble the style of unisex and dandy, but all about the same "good boy-girl." Stretch pants with arrows, spacious overalls and giant square coat of light gray color similar to the old father's things found in the attic. At the same time, combined with the typical brand bright silk blouse with large rounded sleeves, these "male" garments create a moving image of the child.

In the collection there are also more compact in terms of things. In stores you can find rather narrow straight shorts urban length (knee-length), lush romantic skirts almost to his knees, and even tough mini-skirt with a smell. From the previous collection in this moved, almost unchanged, in the spirit of the little jackets hussar Mentik and tight knit cardigans are very dense, almost reaching the waist.

Although the main silhouette collection - short A-shaped, in the collection is a little less bulky and a little more long dresses with waist to the right place. These dresses are slightly reminiscent of the post-war fashion. Everyday - very simple, with a wide bodice, cap sleeves and a little baggy skirt with tucks at the waist. More elegant - with lots of ruffles on the chest, prisborennymi skirts and puffed sleeves.

Basic colors remain gray, black, walnut-brown, olive and very beautiful complex color green patina on bronze. Nevertheless, the collection does not look bleak due to the abundance of white - all colors - pink and fair maiden.

The collectionChloe have a pale pink blouse with a collar decorated with ruffles. No less interesting is a short silk dress-shirt with long white plastron with festoons and tucks - touchingly elegant, reminding her nightgown little princess. From this unexpected color selection tenderness, always inherent in the styleChloeLooks lonely and at the same time very stylish.

EveningChloe offers muted noble luxury. White dress with long sleeves and a rounded skirt sewn from modest gingham, laser carving executed in the form of huge flowers. Not less than smart looks dress, beaded. Top stitched repeats the bottom layer of the gas cut case.

Weightless, while solid appearance of all things from the collectionChloe is achieved through the use of predominantly hard and dry fabrics - silk organza, cotton fabric, thin and thick wool gabardine and crepe. Things a little bristle live separate lives, and their exaggerated volumes underline the fragility of owners of clothesChloe. This contributes to the exaggerated large decoration - ruffles and festoons on the plastron dresses, shirts, flowers to dresses and skirts, wide brocade border on the hem.

This season is very urgent shoes wedges and a straight high-heeled platform.Chloe offers both options - conceptually "worn" shoes with laces, coarse shoes with membranes at the ankle and the "children" sandals from wide straps on a wooden thick and extremely high wedges or directly on a wide heel and platform. Shoes presented in the autumn-winter collectionChloeLooks prohibitively difficult, due to which the silhouette becomes more delicate and fragile. Add to this trend thick black tights - and a high degree of naivety image provided.

BagsPaddington, Have long been emblematic of the brand, the new collection looks a little softer and plumper. In addition, this seasonChloe suggests wearing bags in the style of business packages with bright yellow zippers on the sides.

Bags of this season preferably streaked: brown with short black handles. Primary colors - a conservative black, mahogany, brown, ocher.

Prices for clothingChloe - From 17 thousand. Up to 210 thousand. Rub .; shoes and bags - from 12 th. to 70 th. rubles.


Tags: wardrobe