Terms of crisis wardrobe

 When all hope for a speedy completion of the wardrobe fade remains to make every effort to ensure to keep in the "presentation" existing things. Perhaps this is a good idea: the phenomenon of fast fashion - clothes for the mass market, fashionable, but short-lived - it seems that modern women weaned from the right garment care and affection to your loved and qualitative things that sit well and long serve.

And So,The first rule of crisis approach to wardrobe - Forget about any negligence. The rule seems to be commonplace, and probably why they are often neglected. But jacket will keep longer form if it immediately after removal hang on a hanger, but not new sweater looks good, if kept in a closed cabinet splayed, neatly folded.

Clothing and footwear particularly better yourself "feel" if you give it a rest, that is, do not wear the same thing a few days in a row. Simply put, the two pairs of shoes demolished soon, if you're going to wear some shoes first, and then, when they come into disrepair, other than in the event that put them in a day.

Rule two: not to skimp on care products clothing and footwear. Do not spoil luxury shoes cheap shoe polish. If you have an expensive cashmere sweater, do not wash it in the machine, use the hand wash special means.

Quality leather shoes, boots or shoes also last longer and, consequently, will pay off if you do not become greedy and buy a good moisture protection spray that prevents corrosion shoes antilednymi salt and reagents.

Rule three: remember Grandma's advice. Fresh stains from cranberry, cherry juice or red wine is easy to deduce, watering it with boiling water. Expensive means of moth replace bags with lavender or with dried orange peel.

Things Bright Suede can be cleaned with white eraser apprenticeship and light skin wash milk. Fur items should be stored in linen (not cheap plastic!) Covers, dry after a snowfall and air regularly.

Finally,the main rule: we are not so rich to buy cheap things. Choose quality, not cheap phony. Furthermore, in a crisis, when there is no opportunity to follow fashion trends, pay attention to timeless classics. Six months after buying extravagant raincoat or sweater penultimate collection can already look ridiculous, and whether their being replaced - can not be predicted.

Veronica Gudkov

Tags: wardrobe