Science of creating an image

 What is the image? Secret knowledge accessible to all elected or skill? False mask or effective self-presentation? Can the image to help express your individuality? Or is it needed to adapt to the situation? This is - an important competence for a career or an empty toy secured lentyaek? Do you need the image in your personal life? Let's try to answer these difficult questions ...

If we'll turn back into history, we see that people have long followed the maintenance of its image. Beauty Hatshepsut, the only female Pharaoh wore on festive occasions golden beard, as would a male pharaoh. Wealthy European city dweller XII century forbidden to dress like a gentile nobleman, although his condition allows you to have the best costumes of the era. In India, on the nuances of attire could not only distinguish between a married woman from unmarried, but also pinpoint its social status, membership of a particular caste.

In medieval Japan, the colors in the suit were regulated by 200 laws. Of course, these rules are now simplified. However, it is still important to match the pattern of clothing with the seasons, places and events. For example, in the winter no one wears a pink kimono with the image of branches of the cherry blossoms. In stores kimono laid not in size, but by the time of year, age and social status.

Of course, these rules are there and we have. It is hardly possible to see the bride in black shorts in the business office or the pensioner in a miniskirt. We think that, having been born and lived for many years in the city, we are perfectly familiar with all the rules and standards, and there is no need for in-depth study and create your own image. Here politicians and movie stars - is another matter. They make money on their image, and we do not need.

In fact this is not true. Most of us image needs to make money. Of course, it is different from the image of public figures, but, nevertheless, it is needed. For example, what do you say about the dealer from whom you are dirty, with black stripes under the fingernails and hands. Buy You had sausage or cheese? Take you to work with the babysitter kilometer manicure? Do not be afraid for the delicate skin of your baby?

Of course, the rules of the appearance of their profession in each. They are important to know when applying for a job. Go to the interview? Take a closer look. That is, it looks like the staff at the future workplace. Try as much as possible match this look. If you need it, rasstantes with jeans, knitted T-shirts, sports rucksacks. Watch out for the purity and cleanliness of your clothes - for the manager of the Human Resources is a symbol of your diligence, accuracy in business.

You are a representative of the creative profession? Try in the form to express their individuality, unique style. It is very important to a sense of proportion, so it's best to look to the accessories, leaving other clothing business style. Small decoration, bag or handkerchief author's work will give your look finish and subtle charm.
If you work with people, especially if your work is important relationship of trust is very important to avoid clothing cold tones. These include all shades of blue with the addition - from emerald green to purple through ultramarine and purpura.

On the contrary, warm colors will help you establish close contact, to inspire confidence on the part of the client. To warm colors are all the colors with the addition of orange - from herbal greens, through pistachio, olive, lemon, yellow, gold, orange, red to burgundy and cherry.

However, if the work you need to distance, to keep at a distance the people with whom you work, it is better to choose the color gamut cold (remember what color tunics in customs officers, police).
For the right impression is as important silhouette of your clothes, hairstyles, makeup, sculptured form and decorative lines. Emphasis on sharp corners, the triangular silhouette will show you as a person purposeful, strong-willed, have strong leadership qualities. Rectangular, and especially, square silhouette will tell about your stability, responsibility, care. Round shapes are choosing soft sensitive nature, they are the executive, but maloinitsiativny. If you want to impress a bright, creative individuals choose flying, ripped silhouettes, polylines, draperies.

Following the advice, consider not only the positive effects of elements of your image, (accountant inspires confidence, wearing clothing and choosing a hairstyle rectangular silhouette) but also negative. In my practice was a case where came to me a young woman who could not find work of the head of the department. She said: "We do not doubt your skills, but you refuse. It is very difficult to imagine you in a chair head, afraid that you can not handle. " The fact that she is too fond of curls, wore a form-fitting things with soft embossed lines, flounces. I advised her to wear a suit rectangular silhouette, blouse strict cut with sharp corners collar, straightened hair and stress the angular lines of the face. She immediately found a job.
Probably no one would argue that the communication is also of great importance gestures, mannerisms, gait - your kinesthetic image. Hardly inspires confidence man sitting half-turned, legs crossed, hands in the castle. In contrast, if you open - will not cross his legs, hiding his hands, will open palms, planted little fingers - it will make a favorable impression on the interlocutor.

Nervous, jerky movements can push the interlocutor, your stress can be interpreted as a desire to lie, to hide something, like uncertainty in their abilities, skills. All this greatly reduces the confidence in you, and if you are already working, then your company. Listen to yourself, feel what area there is tension at excitement, irritation, fatigue. Try to find a moment to relax, with particular attention is paid to these areas.

The image is no less important in my personal life. Only if you are guided in the office and professional goals proprietary tasks, on vacation, you can fully express your individuality.
Love to attract attention - get dressed in bright, pure colors, add contrast, patterns, select the fitting or opening figure silhouettes.

Do you want to be alone - wear soft, hiding the figure, clothing cool muted tones, without striking contrasts, without attracting the attention of accessories.

You are very tired, you need comfort - choose natural fabrics with warm, natural colors, soft texture, things free silhouette.

Wanted romance - add light, airy, translucent, lacy fabrics, select a flying silhouette. Do not refuse hats, slick gizmos, fine jewelry.

If you do not know what you want, try to add to your appearance elements of the image of your idol - a movie star or a character from the books, singer or host of a popular TV show. Usually, the most attractive for us what we are missing. Taking the nuances of the image you like at the stars, you fill in the blanks of his image. The main thing is do not try to imitate his idol throughout. It is important to learn some characters, what makes this man's unique style. In addition, I advise you not sprayed by a handbag, other hair and makeup - the third, you risk losing the style in general.

What to do if your identity is at odds with the image of your work? Or you find it difficult to be in the spotlight, but would like to find your soul mate? One answer - compromises. Necessary to build their image so that on the one hand, it matches your professional or personal goals, and on the other hand - provides the necessary comfort the soul.

For example - you have a romantic nature and you find it difficult to walk all the time in the strict business suits. Besides, do you really value your work, and not willing to change it in the near future. For you, the easiest solution would be a beautiful sensual lingerie to wear under office attire. Remaining outwardly strict and punctual, you will feel more comfortable and uninhibited.

Another example - you will be hard on people, but to be completely one, too, do not want to. How to attract attention, feeling secure enough? The secret is in your main dignity. Decide that you are the most attractive. Hair, eyes, legs, smile? Find the courage to emphasize its flavor, everything else habitually left in the shadows. You will be pleased with the result. You will cleavage, cuts, color accents. Do not be afraid. Remember, do not hide flaws cloth or heels, they hide your virtues.

Define your professional and personal goals and ambitions. Emphasize the advantages. Add the zest. Remember the peace of mind. And you will succeed. Your image will be the key to your success.

Tags: image creation