A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

 British milliner Mary Quant 46 years ago gave women a unique weapon conquest of men's hearts - a mini skirt. Her invention created a furor around the world, are interested not only young girls, but older women.

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A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

What prompted the creation of the legendary Mary skirts? There is a legend which reads as follows: One day Mary came to visit her friend Linda Kvayzen and found her cleaning the apartment. Mary was smitten with the sight of his friend, who for the convenience of an old skirt shortened to an unacceptable at the time limit, and within a week enterprising milliner put new models skirts in her shop Bazaar.

Thus began a triumphal processionmini skirtsThey have appeared in almost every girl's wardrobe Albion. Even the British QueenElizabeth II shorten the length of their skirtsAnd awarded the Order of the British Empire Mary for the development and export of light industry in the UK has announced Mary "Woman of the Year." In addition to contributing to the development of the industry, Mrs. Quant his invention influenced the birth rate, which jumped very much in those days.

In 1965, Mary brought her collection of mini-models in New York and arranged for the show, after whichmodels in mini skirts went to parade down Broadway. It was a great event! City stopped ... They were all fascinated by views of beautiful ladies in short skirts. And in the evening all the news channels broadcast the America this walk.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

Gradually,mini skirt to conquer the world. Over time, it modifies and it began to appear on the jewelry, original decor, and in the 1980s began to appear in small business clothes.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

What mini skirt you choose? Let's look at our women's magazine JustLady.ru, which in general are models of mini skirts, besides the classical line, and then discuss them in the comments to this article.

Balloon - Full skirt gathered hem tape or braid, since 1958 the year element cocktail fashion, met in the late '80s and retro collections of 90th and triumphantly returned today.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

Vikel (Wickelrock) - Skirt with a smell - wrapped around the body of the skirt, the hem of which can pass a spiral from bottom to top and tie at the waist.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

Kilt - Pleated skirt usually with the smell of fabric plaid, the front of this skirt - smooth, wrinkle-free, she fastened on the side of the leather straps and decorative safety pin. It should be noted that the original kilt - the subject of the Scottish national men's suit, was a piece of cloth in plaid, wrapped around the hips and fastened the belt and pins.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

Crinoline - A wide, stiff petticoat, gives the dress a domed silhouette; initial stiffness and volume crinoline attached using whalebone and horsehair, and later began to use steel bands. Since 1870 crinoline out of fashion, and in 1984, Vivienne Westwood turned to the idea of ​​crinoline in their fashion collection by presenting a mini-skirt "mini Krini" - short skirts.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

Pack - Short, very full skirt, usually of tulle ruffles and flounces with; came into vogue in the 80s thanks to celebrities - Madonna and Cyndi Lauper.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

Skort (Skort) - A combination of skirt and shorts (to put it simply - skirt-shorts), the front looks like a short skirt with a smell.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

Tutu (Tutu) - Short heavily starched skirt of tulle, clothing accessories, ballet dancers, since 1982 in the fashion version with multi-colored ruffles, and in the late '80s appears again in vogue as part of a cocktail of fashion.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

Hip (Hip-Skirt) - Skirt with low passing thighs waist (waist down), often with a rubber band at the waist.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

And, of course,tulip skirt - Greatly expanded in the hips and tapering.

A detailed dossier. Mini skirt 2009

At what age to wear a mini skirt? If mature woman looks young, she has a good figure, and she feels comfortable inmini skirtWhy not? Excellent mood you, dear women, be beautiful and charming every day!

Elena Matsuk
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: model, skirt, fold