The favorite of all diseases

 Despite the fact that the pharmacy business is booming, many people choose non-traditional therapies ...

Medication on hand

These days are very popular homeopathy, psychotherapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, herbalism. But one of the most enjoyable and easy ways to cure many diseases, including chronic, is animaloterapiya. To help in the fight against human illnesses come animals.

Communication with them is a lot of positive emotions that are very useful for emotional balance and improve metabolism. Soothes and relaxes even the simple observation of living beings!

Scientists have long noticed that pets improve the atmosphere at home, contribute to the harmonization of relations within the family, allow to establish contact between people and avoid conflicts. Pets save people from loneliness. Sometimes furry friend becomes the only living soul, the ability to listen and understand the owner.

A beneficial effect on the animals children. Caring for everyone's favorite develops a sense of responsibility. Game and training to improve attention, stimulate verbal and nonverbal child's development.


They are always happy to communicate with the person. Dog - the most faithful and intelligent creature. It becomes a trusted friend lonely elderly and disabled people. Activities and games with the dog relieve physical stress, develop motor skills, motor functions. Man finds self-confidence, it leaves a feeling of worthlessness. Closed, not sociable children contact with the dog leads to talk openly show emotions.

If you struggle to find friends or kompleksuesh, talking to strangers, head of the puppy, and you will buddies among breeders. During walks together, you will be much to discuss, you can laugh together over gay antics of your pupils. Talking to people will become easy and joyful. Often acquaintance future spouses occurs during walking four-legged friends.

Aquarium fish

Emotional release and relaxation person gets, watching life aquarium inhabitants. Therapists recommend treatment for depression, recover from nervous breakdowns and heavy stress by institutions aquarium with ornamental fish. Aquarists do not suffer from insomnia. Contemplation fish distract from worries and concerns, calming the nervous system. And for patients with asthma and colds useful air humidified aquarium water.

For the maintenance of fish will need quite a bit of time and cost. And after a conflict with a martinet, returning home from work exhausted, sit and watch the life in the water. Imagine yourself here this goldfish, and its red bloodworms. And am - and all the problems are solved. Now live quietly and steadily, as if it is happening in the underwater kingdom created by you.


This unique animals that help restore the physical and mental health. Dolphins communicate with each other ultrasonic signals. These waves and vibrations have a beneficial effect on the human body. Facilitates communication with dolphins for many diseases, even in chronic asthma, vascular dystonia, cancer. These noble animals help get rid of fatigue, muscle tension. In the course of communicating with them slows the rhythm of the human brain and enhance the production of endorphins - feel-good hormones. Classes with dolphins useful for children with developmental delays, speech disorders, attention.

In many large cities, there are dolphins, where you can spend your time with pleasure and benefit. Special instructors will teach you the right to play and swim with the dolphins.


The first animals, "consent" to live in a neighborhood with a man. Cats are pretty, beautiful, affectionate. Stroking them shiny fur, man receives not only aesthetically pleasing and pleasant tactile sensations. Scientists have determined that at this point in the central nervous system occur delta waves, establishing a good mood. Body heat and purring cats relieve osteoarthritis, sciatica, headache, joint pain, inflammation affect internal organs. Cat feels weak spot and falls on him, purring and licking, trying to eliminate the disease.

If your family has not yet chosen a pet cat in favor is the fact that men often prefer these pets. In cold rainy weather with aching surge atmospheric pressure head sit in his favorite chair, and take a cat or a cat on his lap. From start purring and type of contented faces leave any ailment.


Riding a horse is very useful during the depression, bad mood. These animals help people improve the closed communication skills, gain self-confidence. During the ride are treated as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Fun ride a horse is not cheap. If you are not able to afford it, you can just come to the barn to feed the animals, take care of them, or watch as they gracefully jump.

Get a pet at home, the man not only becomes a true friend, but also realizes the need for care, an opportunity to improve their health. Which of the animals fit, it's up to you. And do not forget: we are responsible for those who tamed!

Maya Barsukov

Tags: disease