Proper nutrition

 Our health depends on what we eat. We have improved mood and added energy in our diet if large amount of useful nutrients.  

Gymnastics yogis

Stored energy!

Stress and the crazy rhythm of life lead to fatigue and irritability.

1) You're tired and want to take a break for a cup of coffee and cake? Caffeine and sugar can give you a temporary feeling of tidal energy. Then the blood sugar level drops quickly, and you'll continue to feel tired and broken (familiar?).

2) Instead of "perekusonchikov" with coffee and cake, eat regularly and in small portions. Wherein the amount of protein and carbohydrate foods should be balanced.

3) An example of a light lunch: oatmeal cookies with a slice of cheese and tea, green apple and natural yogurt with the addition of nuts.

A healthy immune system

If you often have a cold, then you have weakened immune systems.

1) Eat more foods rich in vitamin C - fruits and vegetables.

2) Also need zinc, which is in eggs, fish and sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.

Struggling with the stress!

Rush jobs at work, traffic jams, quarrel with one another - all of which can lead to daily stress.

Special and substances to combat stress adrenal glands produce. Support their work, you can use food rich in vitamins B and C:

1) Vitamin C rich strawberries, kiwi, red pepper.

2) Vitamin B also helps in combating stress, it is contained in legumes, green vegetables and dairy products.

Food for sex ...

If sex does not please you, the reason may be as simple - a lack of important products.

1) The most important component of a full sexual life is vitamin E. It contains, for example, fatty fish (salmon). It is therefore recommended to include it in your diet (at least 2 times a week).

2) also need vitamin A. Therefore, eat dairy products, oranges and yellow fruits.

3) maintenance of energy and normal production of sex hormones contribute to the minerals chromium and boron. Chromium is included in the composition of meat, cheese, and boron is present in all fruits and vegetables.

Sleep well!

1) For a deep night's sleep is necessary amino acid tryptophan. Its rich figs, bananas, dried fruit, milk and cheese.

2) The reason emotsionalnogoi physical stress may be a lack of magnesium and calcium. Therefore, add to your diet dark green vegetables, fish, nuts and seeds.

3) An example of the perfect dinner for a good sleep: natural yoghurt, dried fruit, banana cocktail and soy milk.

Tags: nutrition