Investment in the smile. Cosmetic Dentistry

 Genetic lottery brings all different winnings. But those who are not among the hundred famous all lucky jackpot can always correct the situation and honestly buy a combination that brings good luck. Exercise care and cosmetic surgery will improve the body and face, stylists will put in order the hair, nails and wardrobe, and the dentist will the chief ornament of all this splendor - a beaming smile. Women's magazine JustLady talks about plastic surgery for teeth - Aesthetic Dentistry.

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Beauty salon for teeth ...

Gifted by nature perfectly beautiful teeth - a rarity. Also, with age their appearance deteriorates: cracks, chips, curvature, enamel darkens. Without a smile can not be normal communication, and if you hesitate to smile, pretty soon it will affect the personal, and professional life.

In the event that you are completely satisfied with the health of their teeth, but you for some reason do not like their appearance, come to the aid dentist aesthetics. TodayCosmetic Dentistry is the most actively developing field of health care of the teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry at pains to emphasize their special role and a great future. So she breaks the stereotype of basic dental care - services aesthetic dentist painless or cause minimal discomfort (at least seek to do so), and the result in most cases can be assessed fairly quickly. It's more like a visit to the SPA-center, not at the reception at the dentist: waiting in the waiting room comfortable, stylish treatment room with no hint of the terrible cold and smell instumenty bactericides, attentive staff. The only negative - the high cost procedures. However, beauty and self-confidence are invaluable.

Investment in the smile. Cosmetic Dentistry

Three pillars "of skill improvement smiles" -redress tooth, natural fabrics and imitation jewelery enamel.

The longest and least pleasant of all processes -correction of occlusion and change in the position of the teeth jaw. In fact, these issues have traditionally engaged in orthodontics, but often install corrective equipment becomes necessary step towards the dream smile. To align the dentition in adult patients using a permanent (fixed) equipment -Braces. This bracket, strung on an arc, and acting in such a way that the force applied to the moving tooth diminish with fixes its position. Brackets can not be made invisible (maximum - of artificially grown sapphire solid transparent) and non-removable - a pledge of efficiency, but cosmetic dentistry offers many options for conversion brackets in original decoration: they are made of precious metals, encrusted with gems and paint.

Possible claim holder teeth to his thirty-two faithful friends are not limited to violations of the bite or crooked.

Restoration of teeth sveotootverzhdaemogo using composite or ceramic particlesbondingSolves both functional and artistic problems - it allows you to make up for what is missing in the tooth, an artificial material that accurately replicates natural characteristics of the natural enamel. Color, as well as its characteristics such as color saturation and transparency, selected specialist individually and very accurate. Bonding is recommended when carious lesions, the need to increase the length or width of the tooth to create a protective coating in the case of the exposed portion of the tooth root. The result - the restoration of the surface, which does not differ from the natural. This differs from the restoration of the seals, which pursues a purely medical purpose. Restored teeth can chew and bite like this. Restoration can be carried out as a "from scratch", and include the replacement of old ugly and visible amalgam fillings (setting tab). Your doctor may suggest to the completion of restoration work to spendcontouring - Grinding and polishing of teeth in order to improve their form.

Crowns and bridges - Long known means of masking spoiled tooth. Cosmetic dentistry usesmetal-free technologyFor maximum proximity to the natural mind teeth. When this fixing is performed by means of crowns new adhesive materials which provide not only resistance fixation, but no presence of foreign feeling in the oral cavity.

But the main skate aesthetic medicine and alternative crowns on the front teeth -Veneers (May also be called veneers that, strictly speaking, correct, as the original title - veneers). Since the invention (the first veneers appeared about 30 years ago and were plastic) and to this day, these finest translucent ceramic plates do not lose their popularity, primarily among showbiz. Veneers make it very quickly and efficiently, and most importantly almost painless (does not require any turning of the body of the tooth, removing any nerve) to turn corrupted front teeth in a row of white pearls. Installing veneers something like a nail - plates are attached to the tooth surface with special procedures. It is safe for the natural tooth material, and even protects it from damage. Veneers are divided into two main groups: Hollywood (caring, primarily on visual effects and represent petal trim covering the tooth front only) and classic (more functional full lining, in fact, covers the tooth). 

The novelty in this area is calledLumineers - It is extremely thin, but not as strong as traditional veneers lining. All kinds of veneers sufficiently resistant to aggressive environments (tea, coffee, tobacco), durable and require highly skilled dentist and use the latest dental equipment and materials.

Investment in the smile. Cosmetic Dentistry

When the doctor becomes an artist

If the deficiencies are exhausted by the appearance of teeth change color of their enamel, the dentist will recommend to carry out the procedure (or course, depends on the type of impact) bleaching. Therevariety of clinical whitening.Cosmetic Dentistry preference lasting and efficient laser, in which the enamel is applied to the drug containing a certain percentage of the hydrogen peroxide is irradiated with the laser in short bursts, which enhances its effect. Alternative laser - photobleaching when it is irradiated with a halogen lamp structure, and finally the procedure is applied to the teeth amorphous calcium phosphate, filling microcracks. Details about laser photobleaching and read women's magazine in JustLady (coming soon).

Decoration Tooth - The latest trend in the world of aesthetic dentistry. Metal (including of precious metals) application of various shapes, crystals Swarovski, motives, imitating the tattoo - the choice of decoration depends on your imagination and open-mindedness. Often decorations used to close a dark stain or damage the tooth. "Dental jewelery" is fixed by means of enamel spetskleya painless and can be removed at any time. Clinics offer a guarantee (up to 6 months) that the decoration will not fall off, subject to the doctor's recommendations on hygiene dental cavities.

So are you ready to invest in a happy future for their teeth and starts looking for a specialist in aesthetic dentistry. What to look for? Firstly, to equip the clinic and breadth of services.Cosmetic Dentistry - Capital- and technology-intensive industry, its achievements are based on the latest scientific developments and the use of first-class instruments and appliances, savings and compromises here can not be. Second, important professional quality of your dentist. It must be not only high-class specialist, certified in all types of procedures applied, but also an inspiring artist, a man with a delicate taste, catch the harmony of the human person. Only a doctor will give you a smile you with pleasure and sincerity of his call.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: dentistry, investment