How to say goodbye to the caries

 Scientists do not get tired to please: it will come up with vaccination against dental caries; then invent elektrovannochku to strengthen tooth enamel; then genomodifitsiruyut any bacteria that it hunted "carious monsters." I only wish all of these useful new items exist only in experimental laboratories. Waiting for a miracle is the time to remember the methods of protection against tooth decay, time-tested.

Method 1. Brush your teeth

Perpetrators of caries - The bacterium Streptococcus mutans - we live in the mouth and eat tiny pieces of carbohydrate foods that stick to the teeth. To starve their hunger, enough to brush your teeth twice a day (in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bedtime), and ideally - after each meal.

For a perfect oral hygiene is needed "right" brush:

- With artificial bristles of medium hardness;

- With a small (less than 3 cm) rounded cleaning head;

- Bundles of fibers it should not be scratched.

Electric brush- Also a good thing. Firstly, it buzzes and moves, making the cleaning process in a fun entertainment. Three to five minutes, that is how much time dentists recommend to give teeth fly by unnoticed. And secondly, the electric brush better removes plaque mechanically.

 "Correct" paste "should:

- Good clean teeth, so it must have a choice of chalk, dicalcium phosphate, sodium metaphosphate, aluminum hydroxide or silica;

- To strengthen tooth enamel fluoride (inorganic or inorganic salts, fluoristat system);

- Kill microbes triclosan, chlorhexidine, special enzymes, etc.

Method 2. Do not brush your teeth

According to statistics, 30% of our compatriots do not brush their teeth, another 30% do so once a week. It would seem that the entire population of Russia will soon become toothless. Or almost all ...

For example, my friend L. never in my life did not hold in the hands of a toothbrush, but it has absolutely no caries. And her grandmother and her mother. That they have inherited. LA says that she healthy teeth, because it does not spoil the enamel paste and brush. But I think the fact that their family is very fond of meat and does not use sweet. Here are predators and representatives of Hunza tribe from southern Pamir too strong white teeth without caries ...

Method 3: Do not eat, drink, horrible

Bacteria living in the mouth, terrible sweet tooth. So for the prevention of caries, first, it is necessary to renounce other sugars and "sweet" carbohydrates. Do not forget about sprites, Pepsi and juice from concentrate. According to recent studies of Western scholars - one of them the teeth caries. Not helpful and sour apples - they violated the pH in the mouth.

List of authorized products: cheese, milk and cheese, meat, sea fish, beans, radishes, beets, cabbage and regular sea, onions, oats, gooseberries and black currants. They contain an optimal set of anti-caries micronutrients. Very useful solid food, such as raw carrots. From her teeth cleaned themselves without any pastes and brushes.

Method 4. Cover teeth anticaries composition

The most popular compositions called Ftorlak and Belagel-F and are mainly used in pediatric dentistry. These teeth are coated with a thin film and the enamel and dentin saturated with fluorine ions.

The procedure is as follows. First teeth cleaned from the chronic plaque circular brushes and abrasive mixture and dried. Then a thin layer of fluorination. After the procedure, during the day you can not eat solid food and brush your teeth, to ahead of time not to remove the film. For the prevention of caries treatment drug made every six months. For treatment - 1-2 times a week, the course - 4 applications.

Method 5. Chewing horseradish

But not any, but only Japanese - wasabi. This is a traditional seasoning for sushi, rolls and other Far Eastern exoticism. In Russian cuisine wasabi is not used, so it is necessary to look at sushi bars and specialty stores with Japanese food.

More recently, scientists from the Land of the Rising Sun found that wasabi prevents the growth of colonies of microorganisms caries (Streptococcus mutans). A single bacteria to the teeth do not represent a threat, unless saliva acidified ...

6. The method most often kiss

It is said that kissing in between meals is also useful as a chew "orbits".

First of allKissing activate salivation, which means that the acid-base balance in the oral cavity is aligned.

Secondly, Massaged gums - reduce the risk of periodontal disease.

ThirdlyPeople who often kiss, usually closely monitor the condition of your teeth and do not bring them to caries.

7. The method of chewing gum, "poloskalki" pills, threads, brushes and toothpicks and dentist ...

- Useful gum without sugar from television commercials, in fact, help to clean teeth stuck after eating pieces of food.Less: can pull together and seal.

- Toothpaste, which must be diluted with water, have a refreshing effect (improve breathing), anti-caries are a whole Mouthwashes.Less: cost.

- Threads, brushes and toothpicks: they clean the interdental spaces. Narrow - string, wide - a brush, twisted - toothpick.Cons: they are not.

- To say goodbye to tooth decay, it is recommended to visit the dentist every six months, even if nothing disturbs.Cons: dentists are afraid of not only children.

Natalia Klim

Tags: caries