"Ghost" Roman Polanski

 Released in rent in 2010 reel of film Roman Polanski's "The Ghost" has not become an international bestseller, but among connoisseurs of the director was very much appreciated. Another masterpiece that Polanski was able to create, showing decaying modern political world, including a well and hard psychological situation arouses sympathy and strong emotions in the viewer.
 Roman Polanski - a talented director and screenwriter, took another masterpiece that made millions of viewers hard to speculate on what the outcome of the movie, not looking up from the screen. A characteristic feature of creative director is its tendency to affect in his works such phenomena as sexual and mental health problems, mysticism, solitude, mystery and human isolation. And "Ghost" was no exception.

The film is based on the eponymous book by writer Robert Harris, with whom Polanski worked on the script.

The so-called ghosts literature - the people who write the work, published in the future under a false name. Books may become bestsellers, but the true name of the author of the audience will never know. In the film, we are talking about such a man.

To print ready book containing the memoirs of a famous politician Adam Langley, British Prime Minister to resign. Sign writer who worked on the book, suddenly dies under hazy circumstances. Then the publisher, not intentionally lose income from the release of the book, hire a professional writer of another ghost to the finished work of his predecessor. But not everything is so simple.

Ghost hired to replace the first, learns more and more interesting and shocking details about the political career of former Prime Minister. He finds the information encoded previous authors, which is the secret. It becomes clear that the writer died for a reason. The farther away, the more the writer understands the danger he is exposed. Will the main character to complete their work or he will die, like the previous one hired worker? This is best learn by watching the film.

Interestingly, the prototype for a retired British Prime Minister Harris author of the novel "The Phantom" served as Tony Blair - a real British Prime Minister. But Polanski did not make the film too politicized, so his character does not like Blair.

The world premiere of the film was a moderate success. It was hard to expect that the reel of film will be appreciated by the general public, but deep intrigue, excellent acting and skill of the director, fully manifested in the work on the tape allowed highly appreciate its critics and the audiences who prefer style Polanski.

Tags: novel, a ghost