Pig in the fire, or how to celebrate the New Year

 Message from the Director: "I congratulate you on the New Year, pig! "- To be read without a comma. Here's a anecdote wanders now in the depths of the Internet. Meanwhile, Fire Red Boar, a year which will come under the Japanese calendar in 2007, being a very decent and we promise to bring you a lot of good.

Pig - a very naive, chivalrous fair, kind and peaceful character. Even though this animal leisurely and slowpoke - well, not without reason, according to legend, he came to the celebration of the New Year the latest (and therefore completes the 12-year cycle of the eastern horoscope) - but favors not only their fellows and Piglet instead of noses, but all The remaining characters.

Favors something he favors, but also enraging Cabana a breeze, it seriously and thoughtful approach to the issues of new acquaintances and other small dirty tricks are not descend. That is why we have decided to inform you the "rules" of the meeting of the New Year.

Whether to leave his father's house

BOAR - An avid traveler, loves to learn new space, and therefore extremely pleased with the tourists. Only better plan a vacation in advance -Everything for what is taken Boar, he makes a full-impact forces and a strict plan. And it turns out, as do some of Petersburg acquaintances who, flight 31 th to his parents in Irkutsk, were forced (due to weather conditions) to drink a bottle of champagne carefully pripasёnnuyu straight into the sky. Weak and not very alcoholic beverages brought everything. There was a tree and that one of the passengers was carrying a present mother-in. She decorated the boarding pass and put into the passage on public display. Fraternization and rampant reached such activity that threatened to turn the aircraft, but the captain did not even murmur. They say this New Year was the most memorable in my life.

By The Way,in 2007 strongly advise you not to spend your summer vacation in the country, and hit the road. Where? Yes, even to the native aunt Mans in Bobruisk.

With whom to celebrate

IF you do not have time to buy a ticket from Madagascar - Cape Town -Akapulko, do not despair. You can have fun and celebrate the holiday at home. The main thing that dictates the host New Year Pig - meeting should take place in the company of old and, most importantly, true friends. Well so she boar essence, it converges with people, maybe bad, but then does not change the affections ever. From here and the choice of the company. Next: with those closest people, and along with all the rest - the future - for all holidays can not in any case to quarrel. Boar hassles, scandals showdown can not stand.

An important aspect of a successful meeting is also a sparkling, albeit "through I can not and do not want" fun. Organize contests, carnivals of disguise, jokes, or, in extreme cases, dances around the Christmas tree. And even if you are in the style of dancing bear-rod, and sing like mad peacock - entertained themselves and raduyte how much can other. Pig - being extremely fun-loving, and therefore forgive everything except boredom.

What to wear

If you plan to celebrate the New Year in an intimate setting, with candles with your lover, you can dress very nice, but so that it was easy and undress. It is appropriate to revealing outfits with plunging neckline, lace translucent dress.

If you are going to celebrate the New Year in a big fancy restaurant, then to get into the stream of fashion, choose dresses rich colors - red, shades of gold and bronze old. Men in the night also can afford to paint cheerful clothing: shirts in bright stripes, a combination of red and blue, red and gold. This can be a beautiful embroidery, and may be a bright accessory in the form of a scarf or tie.

Accessories are very important at all. Something you can do yourself. For example, goggles feathers are able to create stunning images. You can use a small hat, embroidered handbag ballroom. A decorated with ribbons and sequins long gloves can completely transform not new, but you favorite dress of black velvet. Belts, brooches, long strands of beads, necklace from a mixture of pearls and glass beads, handmade necklaces made of beads in the art macrame, - all this is useful for a New Year's dress.

What to put on the table

Speaking of purity. Contrary to the vile slanders spitpoisons pig - animal is very neat. So before hanging pigs of all kinds and modifications necessarily spend spring cleaning. After that, set up on a prominent figure of the hero in the evening, gather at the table. And not zhmottes. In addition to pork, ham, baked pig and heat-governmental pig ears, everything is allowed. After the pig - animal omnivore. More salads, fish and vegetables. Do not be getting to the swinish state, do not eat like a pig's tail - hook, and the nose - snout, and HAPPY NEW YEAR Pigs!

By The Way

2007 will take place under the sign of Saturn. According to astrologers, all we are waiting for prosperity, material well-being and interpersonal harmony. With Saturn is a legend of the golden age. Time did not matter to people. There was no disease, no death, no destruction. All lived happily ever after. We wish ourselves to, and we finally arrived the same golden age.

Tags: pig