Yoga on the road

 Not long ago, the passengers all over the world have excited reports of thrombosis as a result of long distance flights. Studies of German scientists have confirmed that blood clots in the venous vessels of the lower limbs occur primarily due to prolonged sitting motionless.

Relax, it's all true, but only for a certain category of people who have a risk factor for thrombosis is high. All other danger is not threatened, but for prevention can do different exercises:

On the plane

1. Firstly, alternately bend your knees, lifting them up and pressed his hands to his chest. Then, without taking his socks on the floor, lift the heel and lower. Finally, shake hands and, joining his hands, make a few rotational motions. Then firmly tighten fists and relax them, and squeeze again - so a few times.

2. The chair in which you sit, can be used for stretching. Sitting, clasp hands back in the chair, first right and then left. Hold each pose for a minute (in parallel, you can get acquainted with a neighbor or a neighbor). At the end of the warm-up, place your right hand on your head and lower down - towards the right shoulder. The same - the left side. Massage the forearm is also very useful, but nobody - not even a flight attendant - you will not make it. Therefore, they join in yourself. Hands bend the elbow, put them on his shoulders and massage "scruff" - it restores blood circulation and relieves tension in the upper back.

3. During turbulence - if your plane fell into the "air pocket" - focus on your breathing: breathe in twice slower than usual, repeating to himself: "I am calm, I breathe smoothly." See how the body itself to relax and pass the rest of the flight quickly. By the way, do not forget after landing - before leaving the plane - stretch your legs and rotate the feet to restore circulation in the legs.

By the way, "yoga in the air" like practice and stars such as Madonna. One day she almost became "vozmutitelnitsey peace" on a London flight when done yoga directly into the cabin. They say the pilots showed an iron self-control, trying to convince to return to the passenger seat. She agreed, but next time took on a flight instructor - yoga. So sit in a chair already had two.

The hotel

Hotel room - the perfect place for meditation. Bath, which can be dissolved sea salt, candles, placed on the perimeter, fragrant oils - all this will help you recover from the flight and restore energy before exiting. Free for themselves a small space and do some exercise.

1. Exercise - "Sphinx".
Sit up straight. Slowly move the chin from the neck as you can, and back to the neck. Shoulders at the same time should be straight and your head should be kept at the same level. Repeat six times.

2. Exercise - "Sail in the Indian Ocean."
Stand up straight. Put your hands behind waist (lower back). Slowly lean back, keeping hands on the ground and sticking out his stomach. Repeat six times.

3. Exercise - "Cobra Pose."
Lie on your stomach, both hands pressed to the floor at chest level. Elbows bent and taken in hand, feet together, toes extended. Taking a deep breath, slowly lift your head, then shoulders, chest and upper torso - the lower part of the abdomen should remain on the floor. Hold your breath and flex the spine up until you feel a strong compression in the lower back. Do not straighten your elbows, hands should be bent. Hold this position for several seconds then exhale start gradually lowering the body until the chin touches the floor again. Repeat one more time and relax.

7. Exercise - "Cobra Pose"
Lower the hips to the floor, straightening the arms (palms flat on the floor at chest level), inspiratory back to bend at the waist back, head and start back. The pelvis should not come off the floor.

8. Before going to bed very useful exercise - "Savasana".
This is an exercise in complete relaxation. Lie on the floor on your back and try to relax every part of your body. For myself, you can "travel" anywhere: in the mountains of Tibet, on the coast of Australia or in the desert to the Bedouin. And you can just "take off", repeating to himself: "I feel a lightness, a state of rest ... I freely floating in the sky ... the clouds float by other ... more ... slowly soar above the green valley ... over the field above the forest ... ... over a small lake, where you see your reflection ... How nice to be in such incorporeal-air ... so free and happy ... I - a cloud in the vast blue sky ... »

Tags: yogi