Smart body

 In that engage in fitness - good and right, today is not necessary to convince anyone. But well, if you - a trained person who is engaged in a systematic and childhood friends with the sport. And if you're tired of a sedentary lifestyle, the body seeks the exercise, and the nerves - rest, but the thought that it is necessary to jump, sweating and gasping for breath, you feel bad? You are not alone!

Firstly, the abrupt load on the body not only unpleasant, but also would be unprofitable. Why unprepared body too much violence? And if you do this and back problems and you are afraid of traditional strength training, you need a workout that will bring, above all, fun. Do not require much physical effort, they strengthen muscles, develop flexibility of joints, ligaments elasticity, give a sense of harmony - in general, able to normalize anyone.

That is why the direction of mind-fitness - «reasonable fitness" enjoys such great popularity in the world. To him belongs the set of techniques that combines balance and softness action. Each of them represents a coherent system, following the rules which can achieve amazing results.

Here are the main ones:

Concentration - It means that here and now you have to feel the connection between mind and body. You need to forget all your troubles, enjoying the present moment and paying full attention to every movement.

Control - The basis of everything. Need to monitor the correct execution of the exercises. Movements should be soft, with a gradual transition from simple to complex.

Centering. Special attention to the central part of the body, as it is here is the energy center.

Isolation. Manage individual "units" of the body can only be in isolation, is not helping yourself by other muscle groups.

Smooth motion. No field, no hassles and uncertainties.

Discipline. Quality is more important than their number of movements. Each subsequent motion follows from the previous one.

Breathing. The principle originates from the eastern techniques: use is not deep, and breast side breathing, stimulates the lungs. Breathing helps to coordinate movement, cleanses the body and nourishes the cells with oxygen.

The regularity. The result of training is noticeable only for regular, at least 2 times a week classes.

Direction, which I will list below are very popular in fitness clubs, and not without reason. Personally, I once experienced the each of the techniques, staying true to their fans.

Tai Chi Chuan

This is a great direction (another version of the name - Taiji Quan) martial art wushu actually began as a dance. The invention refers to the time of his legendary emperor Fu-Tzu, who urged the monks to model for his people "great dance" that people can practice with joy and prevent disease.

Over the past hundred years tai chi chuan, gradually developing, became widespread in China and around the world. That's because it's not so much a battle practice as an effective system of smooth dance moves and special breathing exercises, anyone can master it. The secret of the practice of tai chi is to teach a person to relax all the muscles that are not used directly to make movements, and nurture the habit of moving smoothly. And for this purpose are connected internal reserves are generally not used by man. In addition, tai chi stabilizes energy, which is particularly important for the harried residents of large cities.

In the classroom you will gradually learn concentration, awareness of each movement, the ability to correctly "distributed" and control your body. This concentration is very useful not only for the muscles and joints, but also for the mind. After the class, despite the physical activity, you will feel refreshed and ready to move mountains. It is said that the practice can achieve a powerful effect of rejuvenation. The bottom line is that every time you like again "recharge the batteries" and force their own energy to serve you, not sprayed anywhere. Try it and you.


Pilates - a system, which received its name in honor of the German doctor, coach and athlete Joseph Pilate. Pilate himself (Pilates - better known variant names) in childhood had no luck with health, and he decided that overcome natural infirmities can only become an athlete. Already in the 14 years he has developed his own method of training, which miraculously allowed him to improve the health of the body and become an athlete. At the beginning of the last century, just at the height of World War I, Pilates decided to share his technique with other sufferers. And test it in the hospital where the wounded were lying soldiers.

Later, while living in the US, Pilates opened a fitness studio - in the same building with the New York City Ballet. This choice was a good one, because soon there frequent artists to treat the stretched muscles in rehearsals and broken joints. Their professional approach to conscious movement subsequently enriched methodology elements introduced from the ballet.

Since Pilates was originally developed as a method of rehabilitation, it is completely safe and has virtually no contraindications. But do not think that the exercises will be given to you easily and conveniently! After all, they are aimed at stretching and deep elaboration of the muscles and joints, so that at the end of the training you will feel like "woke up" even those muscles, the existence of which you were unaware. This effect is very brings Pilates to yoga, and it is no wonder that, and another makes the body work "from the inside to the surface," plus a general meditative mood. And as in exercise brought a lot of ballet, they should perform easily and gracefully. Therefore, imagine that you have posture and habits of a ballerina. The initial and final part of the training at all resemble ballet Exercise that brings occupies a special aesthetic pleasure.


Callanetics - a system of exercises, which is based on two major elements: static poses and stretching. Its creator, American Callan Pinckney, a child suffering from hip dislocation. But this did not prevent her from becoming a professional ballerina. Later, after leaving the stage, she is seriously put on weight and became suffer from back pain. "Reply" to this was the creation of its own system, which made her the first lady fitness early 90-ies.

Callanetics absorbed the movement of Indian, Arab, African dance, oriental gymnastics and, of course, ballet Exercise. The fact that these heterogeneous elements, does not prevent them perfectly complement each other. Static "inconvenient" posture aimed at the elaboration of muscles, especially in problem areas. Exercise "stretching" to help burn fat and gain flexibility. Together this gives the body strong, but harmonious load that powerfully boosts metabolism. When this is no load on the cardiovascular system and backbone! Once you have mastered these exercises, you can do them both at home and in the office. Suffice it to 10-15 minutes a day - and you'll feel great.

However, there are no miracles. You will achieve results only if a systematic approach and regular classes. But a healthy lifestyle will not seem to be a dream!

Author: Valentina Moville