
 The fitness a huge number of new programs, working in several directions.  

Akvayoga - a new kind of aqua aerobics with elements of yoga. Tensile elements are made directly in the water. By overcoming the resistance of the water load becomes 3 times higher than on land, but transferred more easily. Weight does not feel the pressure on the spine so the risk of injury is minimized.

Akvayoga helps strengthen the muscular system and the spine. His breathing and heart rate. Develop flexibility and stretch the muscles. Duration.

Class lasts 60 minutes. Carried out 1-3 times a week.
The first results will appear immediately: a great mood and energy. In a month you will be able to boast elastic biceps and triceps and abdomen.

Two months later, easily sit on the twine. Get rid of cellulite (due to
whirlpool effect). In some major sports clubs held a workout in the pool based on the techniques of various martial arts