See you on the mat

 Karate, Aikido, Kung Fu, Taekwondo - not just a variety of movements and techniques designed for self-defense. Deep philosophy underlying forms personality traits, which we sometimes do not have enough, and not only in extreme situations, but also in everyday life: respect for self and opponent, endurance, patience, the ability to control emotions and concentrate, observation and perseverance.  

Maybe that's the reason for which the number of people willing to learn martial arts from year to year. Or that these studies not only develop endurance and flexibility, excellent coordination, strength and lightning fast response, but also provide practical skills and techniques to protect themselves, including from an armed enemy. Indeed, the majority of martial arts originated in the monasteries, where the carrying of weapons was forbidden. And the monks had to call for help all his skills to fight and win. Many lessons in martial arts attracted by the opportunity to touch the secrets and traditions of the mysterious and compelling because of the East.

Virtually all modern martial arts are like sports and fighting direction, to adopt special services and special army units. Within the framework of sporting activities, some very dangerous techniques are under strict embargo.

Master rituals and techniques to study the strict rules, participate in competitions and receive long-awaited belt - from the very first, yellow to black, corresponding to the level of master of sports - anyone can. Arts classes in their sports variant no more traumatic than any other sport. It is no coincidence for them developed safety training, limiting the use of fighting techniques, and the first thing that a beginner should master - the ability to properly fall. Classes are held on an intensive general physical training. Only then coach trains running boards, grabs, throws, jumps, tumbling, stroke and other oriental wisdom victories on the mat.

With equal pleasure attend training both men and women. Age adults involved in martial arts, is unlimited. However, diseases such as hypertension, spinal injuries, low back pain and marked lability of the cervical, require an individual approach. Personal sessions with a trainer will avoid movements that are contraindicated, without reducing the effectiveness of training.

One of the advantages of oriental combat sports is universality - the absence of certain qualities can be compensated by the development of others. A huge number of receptions and kontrpriemov allows you to develop an individual style, making maximum use of their own advantages and replacing, for example, lack of strength agility. For example, in aikido techniques used to successfully use the power and energy of an opponent against him. Judo (in Japanese - "flexible path") teaches that flexibility can defeat brute force.

Most parents want to see children harmonious, self-confident, self-reliant and, of course, healthy. Classes eastern kinds of martial arts to help improve health, develop motor skills, to solve the problems of excessive aggression, hyperactivity or inability to stand up for themselves. Basic training is conducted starting from 10-12 years. But even for the smallest developed a class, in the form of games where we study skills can fall, self-control, the basic techniques and principles of relations with rivals. Not that it matters, whether the child will be a champion. But, discovering the world of martial arts of the East, he would acquire the knowledge and skills that will help him to become a harmonious person.

Natalia Skvortsova

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