Stellar disease: Shirley MacLaine

Stellar disease: Shirley MacLaine
 Shirley MacLaine got its name in honor of the incredibly popular at the time Shirley Temple. Perhaps in some degree it influenced her own career choices. Career as an actress has been going on for decades, but it is still a young and energetic, and its interesting and varied role.
 Shirley MacLean Beatty was born in Richmond, Virginia in 1934. She grew up in an intellectual family professor of psychology and drama teacher. Fascination with mother play-acting, which by virtue of circumstances of life was purely theoretical, given to children. Both of them, Shirley and her brother Warren Beatty became an actor and had great success in this field.

Little Shirley professionally studied ballet, showing great talent in this area. However, due to high growth, as well as the almost complete absence of boys in her choreographic school often battered male roles. A few years later she decided to go to the dance pop, assuming that is not suitable for ballet. New passion led her eventually to the Broadway stage.

In 1954, Shirley MacLean Beatty made her debut in the play "The Pajama Game." Around the same time she got rid of the double surname, first replacing the more harmonious MacLaine. Shirley MacLaine under the name it held its first appearance on screen in the movie "The Trouble with Harry" at the very Alfred Hitchcock. For this role she was nominated for the "Golden Globe" in the category "Best Debut".

Shirley MacLaine's career has developed quite rapidly and in 1959 she won the first nomination for "Oscar" for his role in the film "And they won." In 1960 came the romantic comedy "Apartment", where her partner was Jack Lemmon. This work brought Actress nomination for "Oscar" and the award "Golden Globe".

1963 Shirley MacLaine was marked by the release of the drama "The Children's Hour", where she played in a pair with Audrey Hepburn. This role was for MacLaine one of the toughest in his career and is very ambiguous. In the film, the actress performed the roles of the two friends who jointly opened a boarding school for girls. One of the girls noticed between them something more than friendship and her story about this break in their careers. After some time, the heroine MacLaine understands that it's true that she feared to open itself. Her throwing that led to the sad finale, the actress showed very realistic, for which she was again nominated for the "Golden Globe" and awarded the "Golden Laurel."

Shirley MacLaine's career is full of vivid characters and a variety of genres. It is equally good in both dramatic and comedic roles. The most memorable for the audience were Western "Two Mules for Sister Sara" (1970), a melodrama "Terms of Endearment" (1983), a drama "Postcards from the Edge" (1990), a dramatic comedy "Rumor Has It" (2006) and eccentric biographical history "Coco Chanel" (2008). Curious her television work, 2001 "old horse", where her partner was Debbie Reynolds, Joan Collins and Elizabeth Taylor.

In addition to acting career Shirley MacLaine writes books, including autobiographical, as well as on the subject of esotericism. It is quite an active member of the Democratic Party and shares the teaching of the New Age. Actress's personal life there was not very good, she separated from her husband, but raised a daughter, actress Sachi Parker.

Tags: actress, a quarry, a disease debut, Shirley MacLaine