Jim Carrey: Liar Liar!

Jim Carrey: Liar Liar!
 Fletcher Reede - strong luckiest lawyer, but in this case - an incorrigible liar out of habit. He selflessly lying son of Max and his wife Audrey, teaches his clients to reshape the truth for their own benefit. In the end, the wife throws Fletcher because of this bad habit, and his son Max on his birthday makes a wish that the beloved daddy stopped lying.

Lucky lawyer Fletcher Reede knows the secrets of success in the business. Counsel long ago learned that the main thing in his work - as soon as possible, to conceal the truth. The trouble is it that resourcefulness and talent is increasingly doubtful seep into his personal family life.

Comedian Jim Carrey, showed his brilliant comic abilities in the "mask", portraying a timid bank clerk in the movie "Liar, liar! "Plays an inveterate deceiver, who suddenly have to tell the truth for one day.

Little son Fletcher Reed was so tired from my father's unfulfilled promises that his birthday has not found anything better than to think of only one desire, which he has long dreamed. The boy wanted his father to stop lying. Secret dream magically turns, and the fun begins.

Successful lawyer Fletcher Reede suddenly crashes the first time, when it turns out that his greatest asset - their native eloquence and "loose tongue", suddenly can become the greatest obstacle in life.
The lawyer must be able to lie, as without it? And here so!

Surprisingly, the language, the favorite working tool, it is a sworn enemy. Fletcher begins to speak the truth insulting your boss and your favorite customers. Truthfulness can cost a lawyer work.

Most terrible ordeal awaits involuntarily honest lawyer in the courtroom where the hearing will be held on divorce his client. Without lies, it seems impossible to win this thing! This difficult day of my life Fletcher Reede definitely not forget.

Tom Shediac is not the first time calling pet Jim Carrey in his films, on their account - working together in "Ace Ventura" and "The Nutty Professor". Inimitable Jim Carrey once again able to wriggle from the soul, mixed viewers in an excellent comedy, which became a hit.

Tags: movie, actor, liar