Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart
 Harrison Ford, who ascended the Hollywood Olympus for his role as the brutal hero of "Star Wars" and fragile Calista Flockhart, remembered by the audience as Ally McBeal from the same series, were married in 2010. However, their relationship began long before that.
 Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart first met at the ceremony "Golden Globe" in 2002. Ford, while still married to screenwriter Melissa Mathison, immediately noticed the pretty and feminine actress. It was rumored that Flockhart as if accidentally spilled wine on his shirt to draw attention to themselves, but the actor says that it happened after 20 minutes of lively conversation.

Harrison Ford always liked women. His manly appearance and inimitable charisma, sly glance did not leave indifferent any lady. In 2000 he separated from his wife and had a ball, but feelings for Calista were so strong that Ford decided to settle down again. They began to appear everywhere together, including the premiere of his film "K-19".

In 2002, the actor officially divorced Melissa. Married to her Ford had two children, who at the time of parting parents were still teenagers. Flockhart, in turn, was a young mother, she adopted the boy Liam in early 2001. Her new boyfriend immediately fell in love with the baby and usually taciturn, never tired of repeating in every interview gratitude favorite for a chance to be a father again.

After some time, Liam Harrison adopted, which further strengthened the couple's relationship. However, in no hurry to marry actors. However, in the West it is a fairly common system of relationships, from dating to engagement passes sometimes for several years. Indeed in 2009, Valentine's Day girl was presented with the coveted ring and a marriage proposal.

June 15, 2010 Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were married. At the wedding ceremony in Santa Fe, where he spent filming a new movie with the actor "Cowboys & Aliens", attended by the Governor of the State of New Mexico with his wife. Happier than married couples, was perhaps only their son Liam. He at that time already was 9 years old. The plans of his parents - the adoption of another child. Most likely, it will be a girl.

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart are happy together and still spend much time with his family. Actors often walk, and next to them can often see older kids Ford, even though they are adults. Calista often accompanies her husband's shooting trips, but also about his career does not forget. Since 2006, she appeared on the series "Brothers and Sisters" in one of the main roles.

Tags: Ford, Calista Flockhart