"Factory" soloist Alexander Savelyev

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 Sasha (Alexander) Saveliev was born 25.12.1983 in Moscow. When she was three years old, my parents decided to send her to figure skating. She was admitted to the group, which was led by Irina Moses, the famous Soviet figure skater. Sasha was a great success in figure skating, she even took a group of Olympic reserve. But the music, which Sasha began to engage with the age of five, has won her heart.  

First, she studied at the School of Music, at the Department of piano, then graduated from the State School of Music Gnesin. In school, she graduated from the Department to prepare leaders folk choirs and folk ensembles.

Continuing to play music, Sasha decided to try a new project "Star Academy", where in 2002 she became a member of the group "Factory". It became a springboard her career.

In April 20010, the Sasha Savelyev married. Her chosen one became an actor Kirill Safonov.

At acquaintance Sasha makes a very good impression. In conversation it is simple and ingenious. Now Sasha is one of the most vibrant and stable performers of the younger generation. She carefully watches his image does not fall on the page "yellow press" with numerous scandals, support the interest of their work.

Currently Sasha writes new songs and starred in music videos. She also currently writing new verses to songs of "Factory". Tries himself in the difficult work of the producer, the producer studying at the faculty.

Sasha constantly monitors its physical form. She skates and is a regular at the ice rink. "Figure skating - it's like first love," - says Sasha in his interviews.

On the question of what was her first love in life, Sasha says: "It was unrequited. It was, even when I went to music school. I really liked the one boy who was playing in the orchestra. At first he tried to please me, but I did not pay much attention to him. And then I wanted to please him, but he was already gone cold towards me. The result of this first love became my little poems. "

On what values ​​Sasha quality in men, she says: "I love the creative men, the man must be a creator. It does not matter that he was not a musician or actor. Also appreciate the sense of humor. "

His many admirers Sasha wants to find his only, harmony and happiness in life!

Tags: biography, factory, soloist, Sasha, factory