Barbara Cartland: Pretty In Pink

Barbara Cartland: Pretty In Pink
 By age Barbara Cartland looked exactly as expected from a writer of romance novels. Snow-white hair, blue shadows on the eyelids and pathological addiction to pink. Her residence is more like a Barbie house, and dresses - dresses of five girls playing princess.
 Mary Barbara Cartland was born in the first year of the twentieth century. Her father, who died in the First World War, was a very wealthy man and managed to give her daughter a good education. In those days, the emancipation of women has gradually began its triumphant march through Europe, but in the closed English Pension Hampshire, where the young Miss Cartland was raised, and there could be no about some liberties. Preparing girls for marriage necessarily forthcoming, their mentor avoided stories about intimate aspects of family life. Puritan upbringing in the life of Barbara played a decisive role: all but one of her heroines are more than 700 novels remained until the wedding night virgins.

She got married, according to the ideas of the early twentieth century, late: in 26 years. Married to an officer Mac Korkodeylom daughter, which, however, did not save the couple from divorce. Juicy details scandalous breakup was that new chosen prude Barbara turned her husband's cousin. Lovers married, had two sons, but the marriage did not last long. Officially, their relationship Kartlend no longer registered, and any details about the lovers with no one shared. Already at the end of her life she auctioned a collection of jewelry given to her fans, but admitted in an interview that for many years it has been in love with a duke.

Despite the fact that the real life of the writer is difficult to be called boring or monotonous, it really came to life only in her fictional worlds. There are young and beautiful girls fall in love with precious tanned handsome but intriguing environment made them happiness impossible ... until advancing the happy ending of the book. Critics were indignant: all his novels Barbara Cartland wrote essentially the same pattern, changing only the names, physical description and entourage. But not even write and dictate their secretary, lying on a pink sofa, arm in arm with a miniature dog.

She did not hesitate to admit that not only the heroes of his books, but also the daily life and wants to look through rose-colored glasses. Dressed up in a pink dress and pearl beads, did not leave for a walk with dwarf spire and did not approve of the behavior of his cousin Lady Diana: According to Barbara, she behaved inappropriately for Princess manner. By the way, she did not hesitate to Diana publicly declare that reads romance novels Cartland.

Not all of the fans of the writer know that during World War II "pink and fluffy" Barbara led charitable service female officers, and later met in the British Parliament in the Conservative Party and participated in the drafting of a law allowing Romani children in school. At the age of 80, she was awarded the title of Ladies of the Order of the British Empire. But the world is perceived Barbara only as "the queen of romance novels." Author's fertility earned her a place of honor in the Guinness Book of Records - and a solid state, which Mrs. Kartlend continued to spend on extravagant toilets, stopping at his residence and maintenance loved the white "Rolls-Royce". When she was ninety, she complained that in the modern world - unlike her novels! - Nowhere to go lady in an evening gown and diamonds.

Tags: colors, love, life, romance, Kartlend