The most expensive divorces

The most expensive divorces
 Billionaire Donald Trump in his book The council wants to get rich encourages necessarily enter into marriage contracts to maintain its status. But even among the celebrities are those who in their time frivolously neglected this practice, not having spread straw on time.
 His first wife Juanita Vana Michael Jordan lived for 18 years. Juanita, who gave birth to three children, basketball, long endured endless betrayal of her husband. In 1997, the woman secretly began to prepare for divorce. To collect compromising adulterer she hired a team of detectives who for 1, 5 years recorded by Jordan more than 150 facts of adultery.

According to the marriage contract, signed a couple a year after the wedding, a spouse in a divorce basketball player would get half of his vast fortune. We must pay tribute to Juan despite many years of humiliation, she demanded that her ex-husband, only a third of its capital. Athlete, in turn, was happy to finish faster unpleasant for him the divorce process and paid ex-wife $ 168 million.

Slightly smaller amount - $ 150 million - paid for the right to become a bachelor known American singer Neil Diamond. His wife and, concurrently, producer Marcia Murphy, after the divorce to assure the public that in 33 years of marriage every penny of this amount went to her deservedly, became the owner of half of the state of Diamond.

Actress Amy Irving, met with Steven Spielberg in 1976, giving up the role of Marion Revenvud in the first film about the adventures of Indiana Jones, broke with the director in 1979. After some time, the pair resumed relations and registered marriage in 1985. But at the couple did not last long: as a result of divorce, which took place in 1989, Amy received a record at the time the $ 100 million, which was estimated half of the state Spielberg. The director did not sue for the size of compensation, because he was the initiator of the divorce. Second marriage with actress Kate Capshaw Spielberg became a father of five children.

After 21 years of family life and divorced favorite actor Spielberg - Harrison Ford. With his second wife, screenwriter and producer Melissa Matheson, he met in 1977, when he was still an unknown actor. In 1995, Ford became one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood. The couple divorced in 2004. Mattison, who gave birth to two children, the actor, not only received as compensation in case of divorce $ 85 million, but also sued Ford part of the money he earned by selling DVD of Indiana Jones.

Tags: divorce, wife, a compensation