Most ruinous divorce star

Most ruinous divorce star
 The news of the divorce celebrity in no time spread throughout the world. Affects not the fact of the collapse of the couples, and the sums of money involved in this process. Famous American portal CelebrityCafe, dedicated to the life of stars, published 10 most devastating stellar celebrity divorces.
 According to the publication CelebrityCafe most expensive divorce case divorce is actor Michael Jordan and his wife Juanita. The couple lived married about 17 years. December 29, 2006 family ties were severed. Juanita husband paid 168 million dollars.

On the second line rating is located divorce famous singer Neil Diamond and his producer and his wife Marcia Murphy concurrently. The couple broke up in 1994. Then Diamond paid ex-wife $ 150 million. According to Murphy, she earned every dollar of that amount.

Three leaders closes divorce Steven Spielberg and actress Amy Irving. Steven care from his wife to the star of the film "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" Kate Capshaw was worth $ 100 million.

Fourth ruinous divorce stars in the list of most expensive separations became gap Harrison Ford and Melissa Mathison. After a couple has lived together 21 years, Ford has filed for divorce, leaving Matheson monetary compensation equal to $ 85 million.

In fifth place divorce actor Kevin Costner and Cynthia Silva. The couple had been married for 16 years. As a consolation amount Silva received $ 80 million.

Among the most expensive celebrity divorces got divorced Madonna and Guy Ritchie, as well as divorce James Cameron and actress Linda Hamilton, singer Paul McCartney and model Heather Mills, musician Phil Collins and former model Oriana Sevey, actor Michael Douglas and Diandra Luker. In accordance with various sources of divorces value is within 45-70 million.

Despite the fabulous sums payable to former spouses, star couples continue to disintegrate. In the loser, as a rule, are men. But this does not prevent them from making new relationships and re-marry. Divorce - is expensive. And penniless, you can stay.

Tags: star, divorce, celebrity