Kate Winslet: feminine and desirable

Kate Winslet: feminine and desirable
 Overweight in childhood delivered Kate Winslet many problems. And in the midst of her acting career and was the cause of all this harassment from the media. However, Kate was able to overcome the crisis, to prove to myself and the world that true femininity never goes out of fashion.
 Born in a family of actors, Kate, like her sister, had known from childhood, who wants to become. English school of acting, she began to attend since 11 years, and 12 was cast in advertising flakes. Kate on the screen, a plump girl, appeared in the form of Sugar Donuts. This nickname stuck at it for a while, then gave way to a humiliating "Cry-Baby." Emotional and vulnerable, she really could not hold back tears every time someone from their peers began to tease her weight.

However, the complexes due negollivudskoy appearance did not prevent Kate become the most successful of the three sisters, actresses Winslet. She starred in the teen series, and 18 years was selected from 200 contenders for the role in the drama "Heavenly Creatures." The story of two lesbian girlfriends who killed brutally mother of one of the girls for what prevented their relationship was based on real events. Kate received the prestigious London Film Critics Award and was invited to co-star in the film adaptation of Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility", which brought her first nomination for "Oscar". It seemed as if her figure created for costume drama: lush dress emphasizes the benefit magnificent form.

However, viewers of "Titanic" for the most part did not. Famous painting by James Cameron showed the world a new "star" - the young and the beautiful Leonardo DiCaprio, against which Kate looked much larger than it was in reality. Which only epithets bestowed her fans Leo! The fat woman, cow, old aunt ... Having read these reviews, Winslet teetered on the brink of depression. In the fateful year for her film and so she had hard times: seriously ill and later died of her boyfriend, Steven Tredr.

Oddly enough, a helping hand in the media hounding desperate Kate Winslet gave himself DiCaprio. He urged his partner that she just beautiful - and Kate believed him. She began to treat their appearance quieter and does not tear even when dialed ten extra pounds after the birth of her daughter Mia. Moreover, in 2003, Winslet made a public outrage against the magazine that corrected her figure in "Photoshop" before placing a picture of the actress on the cover.

Perhaps the reason is that today, Kate Winslet - renowned actress and a happy mother and wife, and therefore their outstanding form it is now absolutely not shy. On the contrary, said he was proud of her figure and is not going to lose weight. This Kate support the creators of exclusive clothing brand St. John: they invited Winslet to be the face of their brand instead of overly skinny Angelina Jolie. All advertising campaign based on the fact that the appearance of Kate - the same as millions of ordinary women. And with such external data actress looks flawless feminine and elegant. That and the other wants.

Tags: figure, Kate Winslet, Capri