Julianne Moore: real lioness

Julianne Moore: real lioness
 Red-haired beauty Julianne Moore - typical Hollywood actress, known for her courage in choosing roles. She is not afraid to change roles, to present the image of a glamorous lady, intrepid FBI agent or downtrodden housewife.
 Julianne Smith was born in 1960 in the US city of Fayetteville. Her father was a military judge, and the family had to move often, so Julianne, her sister and brother constantly change school and make new friends. Once, by as much as half of the year has thrown them in Alaska, and finished school girl in Frankfurt.

In 1979, Julianne went to Boston and enrolled in the local school of arts. After 4 years of a bachelor's degree in acting, she moved to New York, America's performing arts center. Then she had to change her last name because in the list of Screen Actors Guild already had the actress. Whereas girl called Julianne Moore, taking the names of a second name of his father.

Julianne Moore for several years acted on Broadway, earning a waitress in a cafe. Until the early 90s, she starred in small roles on television, agreeing on almost everything she suggested. It paid off: she got a good actor practices and learned to transform into different characters.

In 1991, 30-year-old actress made her debut on the big screen. It was a small but interesting role in the film "Tales of the dark side." The following year, it has played only in the movies including the sensational thriller "The Fugitive" with Harrison Ford in the title role. Her role was not central, but the actress noticed.

By the mid-90s heroine Julianne Moore takes more screen time, and in 1997, thanks to the fantastic film "Jurassic Park 2" it has reached a new level. From now on, directors began to trust her more serious and dramatic imbued party. The first was Paul Thomas Anderson. He proposed Moore to play in his polupornograficheskoy film "Boogie Nights." Initially, the actress was shocked abundance of sex scenes, but still agreed.

Anderson's film, released in 1997, received three nominations for "Oscar". One of the nominees was the Julianne Moore. In addition, she was nominated for the "Golden Globe" and became the winner of the Satellite Awards. With the new revolution in his career coincided not least event in her life, the actress became a mother.

1999 became Julianne Moore is very saturated. She played in five paintings, including "Magnolia", where you can see a lot of Hollywood stars. The role of the actress was psychologically difficult, but it has successfully coped with it and not get lost in the background of the more famous colleagues.

2003 brought Julianne just two nominations for "Oscar" for his work in the film "Far From Heaven" and "The Hours." And in fact, and in another film she played a housewife, hiding feelings of emptiness and despair behind a facade of respectability and happiness. In the "Clock" she had to play the heroine in young and old age, with which she coped.

2000s propelled the popularity of Julianne Moore to unprecedented heights. Much of this was due to her fearlessness in choosing roles. It can be seen in the romantic film "Trust the Man" (2005), a fantasy thriller "The Prophet" (2007), the drama "A Single Man" (2009), the thriller "Shelter" (2010), a dramatic comedy "This foolish love" (2011) and so forth.

Tags: actress award, lioness, debut, Julianne