Idols: Oleg Dal

Idols: Oleg Dal
 Amazing man with sad eyes bottomless, "foreign actor", as he called himself, - Oleg Dal died very young, and not being able to find themselves and their place in life. Dahl played no role, he lived them organically and reincarnating living another life.
 Oleg Dal was born in Moscow, in the first year of the war. Parents of the future star was quite far from the arts and theater, so do not endorsed the decision to enter the son of Higher Theatre School. M. Schepkin. Dal lisp, but it did not stop him.

On examination, he struck a commission on the spot - a few minutes of the committee members just laughed out loud, so kind of lean and lanky applicant was ridiculous. However, Dahl is not a bit embarrassed and honorably read up to the end of the monologue. He was enrolled in the first year to N.Annenkovu, with V.Solominym, M.Kononovym and others.

By choosing roles Oleg Dal is extremely meticulous. The first work in film was the role Alik Kramer in the movie "My younger brother" A.Zarhi. Curiously, the aspiring actor often played peers, giving them many of their features: they are elegant and plastic, charming, but almost always sad.

Love of the audience, especially in the provinces, brought the role of Eugene Dahl Kolyshkina in the film "Zhenya, Zhenya and" Katyusha ". Rental picture was banned in major cities, but the success in other cities was quite large. After the films were "Chronicle of a dive bomber" (1967), "The old, old story" (1968) and "King Lear" (1970).

Directed by Dalia invited to different roles, but he refused more than agreed. His perfectionism did not allow him to take up that he could not bring to perfection. At the same time were the role of which Dahl wanted a first-year drama school - Zilov A.Vampilov from the play "Duck Hunt" and Pechorin of "Hero of Our Time" Lermontov.

Since 1963, Oleg Dal plays in the theater "Contemporary" - the first five years were supporting roles. Vaska Ashes role in the production of "The Lower Depths" Galina Volchek Dahl revealed from an unexpected quarter - up to him, no one interpreted as a negative character striving for human beauty. It was an undoubted success, which brought the main role and appreciation of theater audiences.

However, Dahl was not going to live peacefully in the circumstances. He changed theaters, directors and teams: in 1971 began rehearsing in the Moscow Art Theatre under the direction of O.Efremova, but never finished them, probably due to a personal conflict with Ephraim.

Dahl's personal life has not developed all three marriages ended in divorce. The first marriage with Nina Doroshin lasted only one day. The third wife of 10 years long was there, nursed and helped to overcome the craving for alcohol, but could not stand the constant voltage and left on the eve of the new 1981.

Main picture Oleg Dal - "Holiday in September" (1971) - in many ways became prophetic. Hero Dahl gifted, marked by fate, but just do not know what to do with his talent. From the first seconds of the film the audience can not help feeling the impending tragedy, absurd and meaningless.

The sensitive nature, overindulgence of alcohol, a complex relationship with the directors - all this has resulted in a serious condition Dahl nervous exhaustion. Death of a close friend Vladimir Vysotsky finally crippled actor. He felt that he would be as follows.

March 3, 1981 Oleg Dal died. They say his face was an expression of infinite happiness - finally restless soul found peace, ending a difficult path.

Tags: history, life, biography, idol, distance