Eternal Commissioner Michele Placido

Eternal Commissioner Michele Placido
 Fearless fighter against the Mafia in the detective "Octopus", a handsome man with a very stylish gray, eternal Commissioner Michele Placido won not one heart Women USSR. Still, the actor insisted on leaving the show, which brought a huge disappointment to fans fell in love with the star in this role.

Michele Placido - actor and director. Born in the town of Ascoli Satriano, the southern region of Puglia destinations Forge May 19, 1946. In addition to the family he had seven more children. Education was held at the school, located at the monastery. Then college, after voluntary service in the army. After serving in the Army Placido offered to serve in the police in Rome. This proposal played a very important role in his life.
After hobbies theater Placido entered the National Academy of Drama Arts. The first performance on stage took place in 1969. This was followed by fruitful work in the company of Luke Rancogne, and later in the theater, Giorgio Strehler.

Michele Placido is the Winner of three awards "David Donatello" and two awards of the International Film Festival in West Berlin and Venice. But theater actor attracts more than the film industry. However, the world-famous actor brought it the film industry. The series "The Octopus", where Placido played an honest and courageous Commissioner Qahtani, almost single-handedly fighting with the Italian mafia has become his trademark. This series looked virtually the entire population of the USSR and the image forever Commissioner merged with the image of the actor.

Personal life now emerging is not quite smooth. Michele is divorced but has six children. A daughter Violante even went to his father's footsteps and became Acrisius.

The first role on a television screen - "Man", Alberto Negrin, 1972.
Debut on the big screen - "Teresa thief", Carlo Di Palma, 1972.
National fame - "People's novel," Mario Monicelli, 1974.
International fame - "Octopus", Damiano Damiani, from 1984 to 1989.

On account of the actor's five films as a director. Placido also wrote screenplays for films and played seven more than fifty roles in film. Among them a role in Russian film "Afghan Breakdown" by Vladimir Bortko.

Tags: star, movie, Commissioner, film, Mikel, Placido