Biography stars: Marina Khlebnikov

Biography stars: Marina Khlebnikov
 Marina Khlebnikov for a long career in show business had time to visit and as an actress and as a singer. Over her shoulders Gnessin Institute of Music, where she studied Marina at two faculties. A huge role in her fate played a group of "Integral", where Marina two years has been a leading soloist.

November 6, 1965 in the small town Dolgoprudnom was born Marina Arnoldovna Khlebnikov. Since childhood, the girl was passionate about music. Even in Dolgoprudnom she graduated from music school, having during their studies to create your own ensemble.

In 1980, Khlebnikov was admitted to the School of Music Gnesin. But five years later she became a student of the Gnessin Institute already, and trained in the workshop of Alexander Gradsky and Lev Leshchenko. In 1989, the capable and talented girl noticed Alibasov Bari, who invited her to the group "Integral" as a leading soloist.

In 1991 she graduated from the Institute of Marina. Together with this ended her career in the "Integral", and she decided to start a solo career. First solo performance Khlebnikov was part of the musical contest "Yalta-1991" and she immediately received the title of laureate. Some time later, she released her first album "Paradise in a tent."

A year later, Marina received the title of winner of the musical contest in Austria. By the time of her songs have been quite popular in the CIS. In 1995, she recorded her second album "Stay", in support of the album came out three clips that made the audience to pay attention to the talented girl.

Marina next album titled "Bili Bom" was released in 1996, but remained unnoticed. Everything changed in 1997, when airs blew the song "A cup of coffee." At the peak of popularity Khlebnikov released an album of the same name, and was even nominated for "Ovation" as the best singer of the year, but the reward drifted out of her hands.

In 1999 she released a fourth album, entitled "Photo Album", but it did not cause much excitement over the previous. The next album was released two years later, and the main song on it was "sweetheart, get up," which has long been held in the charts. Marina's latest album is currently the album "Cats of my soul", released in 2005.

In 2010 Marina Khlebnikov played in the television series "Pyatnitskii", proving once again her fans that she is not only a talented singer, but also capable actress.

Tags: star, singer, biography, her coffee, Khlebnikov