Biography star: Amanda Lear

Biography star: Amanda Lear
 Amanda Lear - star disco's crazy millions of men in the 70s of the last century. She skillfully heated public interest to the person spreading rumors about himself and gossip. Until now, all her biographers ask themselves, "Who is this Amanda Lear? »

Amanda Tapp was born in Hong Kong November 18, 1946. When Amanda was 18, she was invited to one of Europe's most famous modeling agencies. One year later, Tapp promoted the collection of Yves Saint Laurent and Paco Rabanne. Soon she became the muse and the best friend of the famous Salvador Dali. From 1965 to 1973, Amanda worked as a model in various European agencies, not forgetting to appear on the covers of fashion magazines of the time.

In the early 70s, Amanda met David Bowie, who dreamed that Amanda sang. Specifically to draw attention to Amanda he started the rumor that she was transsexual. Even Salvador Dali, a close friend of Amanda loved to shock the audience, saying that Amanda - man.

After an affair with David Bowie came to an end, Amanda knew what to do. In 1976 saw the release of her first single, which caused a storm of positive emotions in public. One of the German companies to put to Amanda sufficiently experienced producer, and soon appeared on the debut album Amanda's "I Am A Photograph", which is almost 9 months held the highest positions in the charts.

In the spring of 1979, Amanda married. And in 1981 it introduced the world to his work as an artist. The peak of disco, who came to the 1980-90 th year, proved fruitful for Amanda: She has released several albums and become one of the biggest TV stars in Italy.

Amanda Lear had time to play in several films, both in the main and in small roles ("Uncle Adolf, nicknamed Fuehrer", "DJ", "Beauty"). The star claims that repeatedly received offers from Fellini, but demanded that the famous director Amanda put on weight for a few tens of kilograms. Lear did everything to get a role in Fellini's, but in vain: pounds did not want to settle on her waist.

Amanda says that he never used the services of plastic surgeons and never fond diets. Today it remains a well-known actress, but also a talented artist and extravagant with their own style and manner.

Tags: star, biography, disco, Amanda Lear, amanda