Biography of star Cynthia Nixon

Biography of star Cynthia Nixon
 Cynthia Nixon is known to spectators, especially on the role of impulsive Miranda from "Sex and the City." Indeed, her career on television can not be called too big. However, this is easily explained - the actress plays a lot of theater, combining this work with raising three children.
 Cynthia Nixon was born in New York in 1966 in a family of radio journalist Walter Nixon and actress Anna Noll. She since childhood has been interested in her mother's profession. As early as 12 years old girl went to the professional scene, 15 received theatrical prize, 18 starred in two musicals on Broadway.

Surrounding Cynthia Nixon called "Broadway miracle", but this success has not gone to her head. The actress does not drop out of school and after it entered Barnard College of the Arts, which, however, was not far from the theater. This institution attended only by women.

Among the theatrical works of the girls were such well-known productions as "Angels in America", "Heidi Chronicles" and "reckless step", a role which she was nominated for "Tony". In addition, participation in the production of "The Philadelphia Story" brought Cynthia Nixon global theater award.

Cynthia career on Broadway began in 1980. Around the same time she tried her hand at television, and she liked it. Among her early screen roles can be identified "Prince of the City" and Sidney Lumet's famous historical drama "Amadeus" by Milos Forman. In 1987, the actress was nominated for the prize Young Artist award for supporting role in a detective "Manhattan Project."

In the early 90's Cynthia Nixon was shot mainly in small roles on television. In particular, she has appeared in two of the most popular series of America - "Law & Order" and "ER." The relative lull in the career of the actress can be attributed to personal circumstances. In 1996, she had a daughter Samantha in a civil marriage with a childhood friend, photographer David Moses, with whom she had lived since 1988.

Even in 1982, Cynthia met another aspiring actress Sarah Jessica Parker. It happened on the set of paintings "My body, my child," where they played sisters. Between the girls struck up a long-term friendship. And when in 1993 there was a preparation for filming the new series "Sex and the City", Sarah suggested to the producers his girlfriend on one of the main roles.

Thus began a new milestone in the career and life of Cynthia Nixon. "Sex ..." was wildly popular throughout the world, and made the four actresses real stars. The series was 10 years, and then was shot two feature films in 2008 and 2010. During filming, Cynthia gave birth to their second child, a boy, Charles. Her pregnancy defeated in the script by opening the audience trudogolichku Miranda in a new way. Thus, the talent of actress sparkled even brighter.

The role of Miranda Hobbes Cynthia Nixon brought a lot of nominations and awards. Among them, the most prestigious award "Emmy", which is called television "Oscar". The actress was three times its nominee and once received in 2004. In 2008, she received the "Emmy" for the second time for his role in the TV series "Law & Order."

In 2006, the actress had to go through a difficult period when she revealed breast cancer. This disease was predisposed Cynthia knew about it. When she was 13, like her mother survived. That managed to survive thanks to the ineradicable optimism and will to live. At no point during the illness of the daughter had not heard from her complaints, so did not consider cancer something really serious. This attitude has helped her move own illness.

Cope with cancer, Cynthia Nixon found the strength for a new life, and in February 2011 at the age of 45 years, she gave birth to her third child, son Max. Personal experience actress suffered a theater stage, playing the role of a woman, a professor of literature, passing an experimental treatment for cancer.

Tags: star, actress, theater, sex, biography, city, Cynthia Nixon