Amanda Seyfried: Hollywood Thumbelina

Amanda Seyfried: Hollywood Thumbelina
 This baby is a few years ago confidently take its place under the sun and Hollywood since only improved as an actress. Miniature Amanda Sayfrid not only lost in the crowd of competitors legged model parameters, but in many ways surpassed them.
 On the construction of a future career, Amanda came over responsibility in childhood. With eleven years old, she began taking lessons opera (later this fact played a crucial role for her to audition for the musical Mamma mia), engaged in youthful studio of professional theater, and parallel to broadcast their photos by agencies. Such persistence, combined with a charming appearance soon brought the first results. Sayfrid appeared on the covers of several super-popular in the US books for girls. However, this modeling career has stalled: the girl was rejected as soon as potential employers learned about its growth. As you know, in the modeling business 160-centimeter girl, though pretty, can count unless on a playful title of "Miss Thumbelina".

But the world of movies and TV shows took Amanda Sayfrid unconditionally. With 17 years it began to appear in the series, mainly in secondary and episodic roles. First Full Movies - teen comedy "Mean Girls" - also did not bring any of Amanda coveted leading roles. This place was occupied by Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams, and Sayfrid played the main villain of the film girlfriend.

All that changed in 2008 with the release of the screens musical Mamma mia, shot through the songs of the legendary Swedish group ABBA. In the film, starring stars like Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth. It seemed that on such a tiny background debutante Amanda would be difficult to draw attention to their, albeit major, role. However, waiting for her unconditional success. Due to the role of Sophie Sheridan, a young girl who is preparing for the wedding and wants to see her on his father's (and potential candidates fathers Sophie already three) Sayfrid easily moved into a brand new Hollywood cohort.

Today, it can often be seen on the screens in the main, than in supporting roles. In the last few years the premiere go one after another: a psychological thriller "Chloe" drama "Dear John," fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", fantasy thriller "Time". Amanda manages any genre, including horror: it is enough to recall the sensational film "Jennifer's Body," where she starred alongside Megan Fox.

Despite more than a successful career, Amanda Sayfrid recognized that periodically experiencing panic attacks. However, around a lot of men who in difficult times to substitute strong shoulder fragile girl. After parting with a partner on the film Mamma mia Dominique Cooper (he played her lover and the screen), Amanda, in her slvoam, is actively looking for, then met with ex-husband Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon, then with businessman Frank Raharinozi.

Tags: movie time, growth, Thumbelina, musical, mia, Amanda Seyfried