Strengthens the muscles behind the wheel

 Aching neck, shoulders numb, buzzing legs, and on the back and say nothing ... Even after hours spent behind the wheel, there is a feeling that it went not you, and you. But to endure such discomfort completely useless.  

1. Before you get behind the wheel. Do not try to charge immediately after waking up. All the same, the muscles still sleepy and sluggish. Transfer it to a more appropriate time - there will be more confused.

Briskly walk up to the car and go around it several times.

Sit down 3-4 times at each wheel - maybe interesting to see.

Open the hood. Several times bend over and see what's inside - thus you kneaded the muscles of the waist and at the same time and get to know what's inside your "iron friend".

Several times, open and close the trunk lid - the arm muscles will tell you for it, "thank you."

2. In a traffic jam. Instead of being bored or nervous, try to remove the plug from favor. Thus, you and pass the time, and stiff joints kneaded. And along with other drivers entertain - from the outside it looks pretty funny.

With the power of place your palm of one hand at the ceiling, and the second along the lower torso. Then change hands.
Bring your knees as close to your chest, and then stretch your legs as much as possible. Repeat 4-5 times.

REDD hips, as if they are trying to crush the nut. In this case, the knees should not touch.

Alternate tilts his head forward with a rounded back and back arched his back and push the shoulder blades.

Put one hand on the steering wheel, pull the other behind his back and stretch it as far as possible up, then change hands.

Clenching and unclenching his fists.

3. While driving. The main thing - do not be distracted from the road. If you are unable to simultaneously drive and perform the following exercises, it is better to give them up. Still, security - first and foremost!

Strongly squeeze the buttocks for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times. After that, alternately tense then right, then left buttock.

Keep your back straight, push your lower back into the seat. Repeat 10 times.

The maximum pinch the blade, then relax. Repeat 10 times. Now pinch the blade, lift your shoulders, lower them and relax.

4. In the parking lot. If your path is not close, every 2 hours h makes stops. Get out and dedicate 15 minutes relaxation exercises.

Follow a few lean forward completely relax all the muscles and hands dangling freely.

Uprites back into a tree or a wall for 15-30 seconds, press down on the trunk and then lean forward and relax. Repeat 2-4 times.

Standing with his back to a tree (to the wall), bend one leg and rests on the power of his foot a few seconds. Do the same with the other leg manipulation. 2-4 approach each leg.

5. Proper planting. Sitting behind the wheel in the wrong position, you risk earn stretching muscles and ligaments of the back. All this is fraught with scoliosis and other spinal curvature. After this time, the pressure of the vertebrae in your g-fold higher than when you are standing. Here's how to avoid trouble:

before moving off, adjust the seat;

Place a small pillow under her plaid or tracking - thus you will improve not only land, but also a review.

while driving not strain your back - so you reduce the load on the spine.

Tags: muscle, wheel