Secret benefits of exercise

 Many of us want to know the secret of how to stay healthy for a long time. Such a secret to improve health is, and we already know. This regular exercise. And here's why ...

We all want to look better, feel younger and live a healthy, happy life for a very long time. Many of us are curious as to whether there is a simple secret to improve mental and physical health, is there some sort of magic pill that will help us achieve these goals. Well, there is a way by which you can increase your chances of a long healthy life. How much would you pay for a pill that would give the following benefits to your body?

- Lower blood pressure
- To strengthen the heart
- Increased blood oxygen saturation
- Increased blood circulation
- To reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood
- Eliminate depression
- Improved the ability to cope with stress
- Help you look better
- Improved self-esteem
- Help you sleep better
- Supports blood sugar levels stable
- Helped reduce weight
- Helped light
- To strengthen bones
- Increased muscle strength
- Increased metabolic rate
- Reduce the risk of cancer
- Helped to feel more energetic
- Improved ability to concentrate
- Improve the complexion
- Helped to live longer

Is not much would you pay to uncover the secret of getting all these benefits? If there was a pill that would do it all for you, would not you try it? No matter how much you paid for it? Are you willing to pay for it a dollar a day? Or ten dollars? Or even more? Most likely, if you knew that there was something like that, it would pay as much as they could afford. Bad news is that there is no such pills. At least not yet.

But there is good news: you can get all these benefits a very simple way. This is the secret that perhaps you already know but have forgotten.

Just Exercise regularly! We always hear about the benefits of exercise, however, many of us avoid regular exercise! But why? The explanation is simple: either we are busy, or we are lazy.

We know that exercise is good, but they pose too many problems and extra work. To really benefit from the exercises, you have to promise yourself that you will do them. You can not just wait until you feel like it

Many people do not enough, because after a day of sitting at the computer power they have is exactly what to watch TV at home. To switch to a lifestyle in which there are exercises, it is necessary to make a decision and to assume corresponding obligations.

If regular exercise are not part of your life, it's because they seem boring to you. Find theform of trainingThat you enjoy. Think about visiting a dance class, join a group of cyclists. If you exercise seem to be too heavy, start doing it slowly. You may have to walk before you can run. If you need motivation or distraction during the exercise, ask a friend to join you or themselves begin to engage in any team sport. If the motion you feel pain in the joints, go swimming.

If you keep telling yourself that exercise is heavy and boring, change the message that you send yourself. Often tell yourself that exercise for the body - it's fun.

What exercises will help you best?

To improve oxygenation of the heart and lungs would be the bestaerobics. These are the types of exercises where you strain your body to increase the heart rate to the desired level. In order to achieve benefits for the heart, lungs and circulatory system, perform the exercises that will increase your heart rate by 50%. Do not overdo it when training - the benefits will be without it. Learn how to maintain a stable rhythm during exercise, to thus you can easily talk to one another. To increase endurance, do exercises for 20 minutes 3-4 times a week.

Swimming - An exercise that will improve the great enrichment of the heart and lungs with oxygen, especially when swimming under water. Swimming is also great for those people who have joint problems, because the ability to stay on the surface of the water relieves the pressure on problem areas.

Exercise with weight lifting strengthen bones and prevent muscles from age aging.

Another type of training - very useful for the brain, according to many people - some form of exercise for body and soul. People who practice these exercises, they say that they have reduced stress, increased calmness and clarity will have a better idea. There are many such schoolsand variations of exercises body and soul, including yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong.

For most people, the most accessible and useful form of exercise -is walking. You can walk alone or with others. You can walk indoors or outdoors. Walking can be a part of the official program or a simple walk on the preferred neighborhood or locality.

How often should I do the exercises? No matter what you decide to do, it is important to do it regularly. Energetic classes for 3 hours at the weekend will not affect the sedentary rest of the week. You will also feel tired and sick, and the next time will not want to do anything. Therefore, it is important to choose the activities that you will like. If you're not used to exercise, do not pick at the beginning of anything too energetic.

Set a goal to engage at least four times a week or more for half an hour or an hour. If you are over 40, you are out of shape or have a medical condition, consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

If you start to perform regular exercises that will get you like, your body will thank you, as well as the brain! You will feel more energy both physically and mentally, and be better able to cope with life's troubles. And do not forget to switch your brain. Turn off the thoughts and feel your body. Feel how it moves. Learn to feel that your body really need, and what message you send your body. Most likely, the body tells you:
"I really need these exercises!"

Tags: exercise benefits