Overtraining will stop your progress

 According to statistics, the main reason that more than half of the clients of fitness clubs stop their studies - the lack of results. Indeed, after a period of rapid and fairly easy successes suddenly there comes a time when the process goes, and achievements are not observed. No increase in load, or an introduction to your schedule additional training can not influence the situation. In addition, there is a feeling of constant fatigue and apathy. "Apparently, the fitness is not for me" - thinks people disappointed and sad to leave the club.

And sorry I should not have so quickly capitulate to difficulties encountered, especially since they are all temporary. This period of failures and disappointments - just a test of strength, from which each of us can easily come out the winner. To do this, just need to know what happens to us during this period, and timely response to those signals, which sends us our body. And then the period of physical perfection will last a very long time, and the process will bring only joy and pleasure.

Success in improving physical fitness depends on how well we manage to implement the basic principles of fitness - training, nutrition and recovery.
Practice shows that, as a rule, much attention is paid to only training and nutrition, and the process of rest and recovery ride.

This omission is understandable and explainable. In everyday life, the bulk of our time and effort to work, study, child-rearing and household chores. What if we add to this and regular workout at the fitness club? But all the main processes in your body take place outside of the gym. Our muscles are strengthened and do not grow during the actual workout when only include the adaptation mechanism, and when we passively rest - give the body to direct energy to "repair work" to restore the musculo-ligamentous apparatus and to strengthen its "combat positions."

This also applies to the process of fat burning. The main task of training aimed at reducing body weight - the body set up to receive energy in everyday life because of fat and speed up metabolism. But in a state of fatigue and overtraining metabolic rate slows down automatically and the effectiveness of the training is necessarily reduced, if not reduced to zero.

If after high-intensity exercise we continue to expend its force, not enough sleep, but still are in a constant state of nervous tension, it greatly increases the risk of falling into a state of stress. And then about any muscle growth will not have to speak - to save what was. Moreover, prolonged nedovosstanovleniya leads primarily to the loss of muscle mass, as it consumes the greatest amount of energy in the come and energy deficit for the organism becomes uneconomical.

Terms of good rest
Our recovery period requires the same careful planning, as well as the training process. Nothing daunting it is not, especially if you know the basic rules of the recovery strategy, they are the same rules to combat overtraining.

Rule 1. Get enough sleep!
Textbook eight o'clock compulsory sleep - very conditional figure.
Each of us need their sleep required for good health. So in this matter based solely on their individual characteristics and needs.

Rule 2. Be!
Even if you pronounced "owl", try not to fall asleep later than 24 hours (at least, make it passive relaxation time). It is in the night-time most intensively is regenerated. One sleepless night is able to throw you far back on your fitness goals. If you have difficulty falling asleep, your sleep is restless and intermittent, try to determine the cause of this, and if possible eliminate it. Do not forget about anger management techniques and psycho-emotional relaxation.

Rule 3. Restores!
Your goal - to increase muscle mass? Then the "heavy" training on the same muscle group should be performed only when their full recovery, or your training will take place in the catabolism - breakdown of muscle tissue.

Ability to recover for each of us individual. Someone just two or three days of rest, and someone will have little or weeks. Different muscles also need time to recover. And this time, each of us must clearly define for themselves. Readiness muscles to a new job with the weight - if the performance of the working approach you feel that you could add one or two more reps.

Rule 4. Take supplements!
During high-intensity workouts take antioxidant complex and (or) adaptogenic agent.
Antioxidants (vitamins A, E, and C, a synergistic effect in combination) promote tissue regeneration and protect against the damaging effects of free radicals, the number of which increases sharply during strenuous exercise.

Adaptogens - natural products that increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental effects - such as Siberian ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Leuzea, ginseng. Their positive effect is achieved due to optimization of metabolic processes, and not due to a sharp central nervous system stimulation (such as when administered caffeine formulations).

Rule 5. Break workout!
It is proved that the cyclic mode classes - the best prevention of stagnation in the results of training. It is this mode will help you maintain a high level of intrinsic motivation.

Break up the training process into cycles between which must be a few days off from training. The time period depends on the exercise intensity varies from a half to three months.

Rule 6. Do not overdo it!
If you're struggling with yourself in a position to exercise general physical fatigue, it thereby increases the risk of injury (such as during exercise, as well as outside the hall), because it does not restore to the new work shift muscles of his work on ligaments and joints. Overwork threatens also the development of overtraining syndrome, which is characterized by a feeling of depression, apathy, a sharp decline in immunity and muscle weakness. This syndrome can last for quite a while.

How to determine the time that you live at the limit of the life chances?

The appearance of these signs should be your least reason to lower-intensity workouts, and at best - to introduce a break in your training process for a week or two:

-In Recent years you have to force yourself to go to the gym.
-Even After a sufficient period of sleep in the morning you feel the lethargy and weakness.
-Posttrenirovochnaya Muscle pain lasts longer than usual.
-Poyavlyayutsya Joint pain.
-You Hardly sleep even after a busy day.
-Your Appetite gets out of control. You either start eating too much (and leaning on the products your diet-forbidden), or, conversely, too little, hardly forcing himself to swallow something.
-Rezko Drops concentration, behavior manifested irritability and aggressiveness.
-You Get too susceptible to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, react to weather changes.
-During Training appears tachycardia, increased pressure more than usual, and these symptoms persist for a long time after the workout.
-You Want to reduce training time, feeling that hard to keep up with the planned load.

And please remember: in whatever was overcome yourself - not always the best way to achieve their goals.

Author: Olga Morozova

Tags: progress