How to build the perfect figure

 The desire to have a slender figure and relief increasingly leads people in gyms. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay a personal trainer. Therefore, we offer nine rules that must be followed to spent time and effort to bring the expected result, and not a health problem.

Rule one: defining.

Decide for yourself - why did you come to the gym. Build muscle? Lose weight? Gain muscle relief? If the main thing - the muscles, your place on the power simulator, where you have to raise the relatively heavy weight, but with a small number of repetitions (10-12 times). Train slowly with breaks between sets 1-2 minutes.

If the purpose - the relief and weight, then go to the aerobic exercise equipment (treadmill, bike, etc.). Raises the weight to be easy, but it will have to repeat the exercise longer (15-20 times). Breaks between sets of 20-30 seconds.

Rule two: technical.

Working with heavy and light weights carefully follow the technique of execution of exercises. Only after you start to perform technically correct approach can be a bit of weight increase.

Determine the optimal weight with which you can at the time of data to work to help your own body. If the rise of the projectile in the head at least glimpse the idea of ​​a possible extension, then the weight for you is already great.

Rule Three: reductive.

Without proper rest do not have full employment. After power loads body needs 36 to 72 hours to recover and most importantly - provide muscle protein (protein) to strengthen them. That is why the train every day - bad. It is better if you go to the gym no more than 2-3 times a week.

Rule Four: Testosterone.

Our muscles (both men and women) are formed with the participation of the hormone testosterone. A more likely it is generated at the maximum load. And the greatest amount of the hormone is made when performing such exercises like squats. Just squatting, we will use in this process the greatest amount of muscle.

But then the muscle will recruit only the legs? Yes I Am. Therefore, a squat workout is best to begin to provide the body with testosterone, then move on to the rest of the muscle groups that you want to pump.

Rule Five: Protein.

Even the body intensively trainee's professional athlete does not require more than 2-3 grams of protein per day per kilogram of bodyweight. Therefore, the use during exercise of different protein shakes to build muscle as soon as possible, will lead to the opposite result. Since the body can absorb only a limited amount of protein, the excess will be delayed ... on your stomach.

For people exercising two to three times a week, the required amount of protein can be obtained by eating a breakfast of yogurt, 125 g, 1, 5 cups of wheat cereal and drinking a glass of skim milk. Enough for lunch 100 g bird breast (chicken, turkey), and low-fat cheese slices. For dinner, eat 200 grams of lean beef with pasta flour solid grade. Women need to be added to the diet of foods that contain calcium.

Rule Six: long-playing.

In fact, this rule is more accurately described as long-playing with a minus sign. In other words, no need to sweat in the gym, doing weight training, from dawn to dusk. Themselves do not build muscle workout, but only provide a fertile ground for growth by further rest and food.

So, even if you feel full of energy, do not need to train longer and a half hours. Rather than increase the duration of employment, it is better to increase the weight of burdens.

Rule Seven: gripping.

 "Enough" is called the way you keep Dumbbells bar or handle simulator. The breadth or narrowness of the grip distributes the load on different muscle groups, keep this in mind if you want to tweak some problem areas. No need to firmly hold on to the sports equipment, like a drowning man to a life preserver. So you get tired faster without proc. Hold a dumbbell or barbell firmly, but without overexertion.

Rule eight: slow.

Any exercise to be performed smoothly, gradually increasing force. If you lift the weight without jerks you can not, then the weight is too large for you. For the result is much more important for correctly performing than severity. In other words, you in every phase of the movement should closely monitor the work of various muscle groups. In addition, jerks a negative impact on the ligaments, tendons and joints, increasing the risk of injury.

Rule ninth: breathing.

Everything is simple. Making muscle force (weight lifting), you breathe air. On the return movement breathe. Need to breathe rhythmically and in any case do not hold your breath during exercise. This can lead to dizziness and even fainting.

Alexander Borisov

Tags: figure