Five steps to an ideal: Miranda

 Always wanted to be like Miranda Hobbes? On the pages of women's magazine JustLady step by step instructions that will help you make the dream a reality.

Step 1: Run around

You should remember that Miranda loved jogging. Why do not you do this useful sport? After running a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, helps to burn excess fat, and increases the overall energy of the body.

1 To warm up before a run to perform several stretching exercises.

2 While running, keep your body straight, do not lean forward, do not bend at the waist, not your head tilts back, but do not hang. You can freely waving his arms to the beat of the run.

3 Step width choose itself so that it is convenient to you and did not require voltage.

4 Run as fast as you can to speak freely.

5 Try to breathe stomach. Follow exhale to exhaust air is fully exempt lungs. Avoid frequent and shallow breathing.

Step 2. Improves memory

If you work hard, and career for you is a priority, it is necessary to think carefully about their daily menu. Be sure to include in your diet foods that improve memory. For example, carrots - it stimulates metabolism in the brain. Similarly, operate and pineapples. One cup of pineapple juice a day is enough to get the desired effect.

Blueberries stimulates the cerebral circulation. It is desirable to use fresh or frozen.

Salad with onion helps with fatigue and mental fatigue.

Nuts help to cope with the problems of poor concentration.

Lemon refreshing perception of information due to high concentration of vitamin C.

Step 3: Do not sleep

You - a lark? So, you have no problems with morning awakening, even if you want to get up in 6-7 hours. But you have to fight sleepiness, which leans in the middle and at the end of the working day. You can help the following tips:

1 Sleepiness can be dealt with by very hot, or better contrast, the soul.

2 Good invigorates and tea with freshly squeezed lemon juice (two teaspoons per cup).

3 Try to go to bed at the same time.

4 About 40 minutes before bedtime to stop working on the computer and watching TV.

5 It would be nice to walk before going to bed or take a relaxing bath.

6 Do not take the dense food in less than 2 hours before bedtime.

7 Before going to sleep well ventilate the room.

Step 4. Fight Stress

Leather business ladies exposed daily stress. To prevent premature aging, often spoil its antistress masks. They can be bought in a store or cook at home, for example, the following recipe:

In a glass of mashed potatoes add the juice of one lemon and apply the mixture on your face. Put on top of gauze. Such a mask can be held for 30 minutes, then carefully wash with cold water. This procedure helps to mask the effects of a sleepless night.

Well, before an important meeting or a corporate party can take a bath potato. The recipe is simple: Mix up a kilogram of starch with a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus or fir and mound all filled with warm water bath.

 You can use softwood and sea salt. Lie down in this mixture for 10-15 minutes, then gently pat the body with a towel and apply any moisturizer. The skin becomes amazingly smooth and soft.

Step 5. relaxing

To cope with the daily congestion at work and fast pace of life will help relaxing hobby. The ideal solution - yoga. Simple asanas (poses special), you can perform at home. For example, asana boat.

This position allows you to stretch and strengthen the entire spine. If you can not do the exercise with straight legs, slightly bend their knees. Sit on the floor, lift your legs up and try to pull your knees to your chest. Declined slightly back. Stay in this pose, pulling up the spine. As soon as you can to increase the load, stretch your arms forward and straighten the legs.

You can try to pose cicadas: it strengthens the central back muscles. Lie down on your stomach, stretch your arms and legs. Stops are brought together, hands should be positioned parallel to the ears, forehead directed to the floor. Extends his arms, lifting the upper torso, and lift feet off the floor, raising them as high as possible.

But the main thing - to stretch the muscles of the legs, instead of keeping them held high. Return to the starting position.

During each pose made five slow, deep breaths. Breathe deeply through your nose, expanding and filling their lungs with oxygen and then exhale slowly.

Tags: ideal