Big secrets about a small tummy

 Oh, those perennial problems of weight loss! How much trouble are we deliver. And when you're limiting yourself to the most favorite dish finally achieve the desired result, your tummy looks just perfect. And here comes the most embarrassing moment - the realization that it is necessary not to limit yourself to a couple of months, and at least a couple of years. And even more clouded the picture your friend, which is not enough that eats like a crocodile, so even if this is not the least bit better. And her stomach looks like it all day long rock press.

Yes, this situation is quite common. Unfortunately, no woman can dramatically change the shape that you inherited from your parents, but it does not necessarily have a sagging belly.

This phenomenon occurs for two reasons:

Sagging belly occurs due to excess fat. In this situation, you are unlikely to help such tricks as massage or electrical stimulation. The only way out - it's diet.

This may be due to too flabby muscles of the abdomen. In this situation, you need to perform daily certain group exercise, which I will discuss later.

But, as in the first and in the second case to begin to know how the abdominal muscles, and the impact they have on exercise.

The structure of the abdominal muscles:

Abdominal wall formed by four thin flat muscles. Abdominal wall forms the rectus and lateral abdominal wall to form inner and outer obliques. Rectus abdominis in the longitudinal direction is in the form of broad strips on both sides. External and internal obliques fan out over the rest of the abdominal cavity.

As can be seen, there is nothing particularly complicated about it, and if the support muscles in good condition, the stomach will look neat and flat.

Here are some of the most effective exercise to maintain muscle belly in the form:

Stand with your legs apart, knees slightly bent and stretched out his hands in front of him. Holding hands at shoulder level, sharply turn to the right; wherein hips and legs remain stationary. Return to starting position and repeat this movement to the left. Do the exercise several times, fixing the position of the body at an extreme point. Further complicate - repeat this movement bending the right knee when turning right and left when turning left. In this case, try to turn as much as possible.

Lie on your back, legs bent and arms stretched over head. Lift the body with her hands to the feet. Then cross your hands on your shoulders and return to starting position. Repeat several times.

Exercise for retraction of the abdomen. This exercise can be done anywhere and at the same time they are quite effective. It is necessary to draw inspiration abdominal muscles as you exhale relax. This exercise is desirable to perform regularly on 10 times in a row 4 times a day. The effect is simply stunning.


Waist quite difficult to change after you have done everything possible through diet. No exercise will not change it if your figure is not elegant by nature. But do not despair, in this case your trump card - a good posture. Straighten shoulders, keep your head straight and lift the chest. Pulling this way, you are more clearly marked waistline and narrow down its about 5 centimeters. It just reduces the deformation of the diaphragm, from which many suffer.

Finally, I would like to dispel another myth. Some people think that fluid retention causes bloating and weight gain, but it is not. No matter how much liquid we drink, kidneys will withdraw from the body all the surplus for 12-18 hours. Overweight is caused by excess fat rather than liquid. The exception to this rule is fluid retention in the premenstrual period. This can cause weight gain up to 6, 5 kg, which then itself will disappear once menstruation begins. In this case, women suffering from fluid retention in the premenstrual period, it is recommended to limit its reception a week before menstruation.

Tags: secret tummy