90-60-90 or where my figure?

 In that time we begin a new life: sit on a diet, after work in a hurry to aerobics, pay crazy money "miracle - masseur," and every day with the hope of becoming on the scale. Not a month passes, as it all begins to tire, and we look forward to, and when in the mirror instead of "charming pyshechki" finally appears supermodel.  

If you really want to improve your figure, be prepared for what you will have to play sports all the time, with only a small break on vacation - nedelka- other on the beach - no more than once a year. Massage and dietary restrictions will not be the exception. So, what really needs to be done? First of all, visit your doctor, but rather a few to get recommendations exactly how the sport you can practice. In solid fitness centers have their own experts who tell us how and when you'd better start. Just avoid "unadvanced" old women-doctors, who in mild scoliosis, hearing the word step, waved his hands, he says, no - you can not! Not to mention the propensity to "varicose". Rather, it is best if you do not have the acute phase of an illness, the sport will not only not contraindicated, and more, and as shown! And as a reward you get the desired shape, strong immune system, good posture and a great complexion. 

Finally, the recommendations received, and we go to the store sportswear. That's where the real paradise for women: trousers, shirts, socks, backpacks and towels. All pleases and attracts. In fact, the question of choice tracksuit should be approached very seriously. First odezhdadolzhna be comfortable (not to hamper movements) and always of good quality. Better to give preference to products made of natural materials - cotton, linen, with small patches of polyester or lycra. They look great and allow the body to breathe. Of course, the clothes should you like and sit well. If you prefer fashionable option convenient, and then will only regret. It is imperative to choose the right footwear for employment. It must be running shoes, designed for heavy load. If you expect a hike in the aerobics room, take the "aerobic" model - high boots that protect the ankle from accidental injury. In recent years, the world's leading manufacturers tend to produce models in black leather substitute and fragments of tissue, but in this case, the material does not matter. If you do not like the design, the alternative may be "running" shoes. Believe me, these shoes are worth the money and will last you a long time, even during active sports in the gym and on the nature. 

So, the first painful lesson over. Remember, if you have selected the correct load level, then leave the room, you do not have to "crawl" out of it. Stretching and breathing exercises to restore should get you back to normal. If you do overdo it, I advise you to visit the next time occupation for the "newcomers". It is possible that in the morning you wake up with Delayed onset muscle soreness. Do not be frightened, and in any case, do not delay the next workout! That it will help warm up your muscles and get rid of the pain. To alleviate the "suffering" can be immediately after exercise to "test" the next masseur, and home to take a warm bath with essential oils or fragrance salt.

And here we come to the most interesting. When the results appear ?! Take your time! As it is impossible to learn French for a week, so it is impossible for two or three workouts to lose the heavy burden of many years in the form of extra pounds and inches. A few months of regular exercise, and the surrounding notice your appearance nice change. In this case, you need to deal with 3-4 times a week for 1, 5 -2 hours, of which at least 45 minutes. should be given to aerobics, 30-45 minutes. - Yoga exercises, and the rest of the time - warm-up, stretching and breathing exercises. It is believed that for optimal results it is necessary to engage in every day. In fact, our body needs rest. Whatever the load, the body over time and adapts to it responds as a normal. That's why the best effect can be achieved with the day-training, day-rest. If you're staying at the "trenazhёrke" a couple of months be sure to change the program. Change as often as possible Sequence of exercises - then the muscles do not have time to get used to the same type of load and will operate at full capacity. Those who prefer a step, slide, funk, latina, fitball, etc..Should from time to time to alternate "classes". For example, Monday - step, cpeda - latina, Friday - fitball. 

Massage will probably be one of the most pleasant procedures. Professional massage not only relaxes the muscles after a tiring workout, but also help to correct your figure. Anti-cellulite massage enjoyable not name. However, if you have the courage to endure 10 such sessions, a decrease in volumes - is guaranteed, and the appearance of the skin noticeably improved from "orange peel" will be over. In order to maintain the effect, it is recommended to carry out routine monthly session, and the full course - 2 times a year.

And most importantly - do not overeat! Give all the sweet children! Your diet should now consist only of healthy food! Vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and carbohydrates. Drink plenty of mineral water! Forget the coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. After all, a new life begins! The beginning has already been made, it remains only to show persistence and patience. And the results are bound to be! Just do not stop there. Let a healthy lifestyle will become for you to enjoy!

Tags: figure