7 reasons to "score" for training

 Each time, going to the gym, you are looking for a reason to go? Or maybe you're looking for reasons not to go, but can not find them? Relax! We found 7 good reasons to score on training. What is there self-improvement? Long live the degradation !!!

Let's start ...

1. broke (Lenovo, breaks, etc.)- An excellent reason not to go to the gym! Have you, a man who lives on the heap of any problems, you can not afford a little bit of laziness? Do you need to force yourself to shove in some room, where there is no will? Perhaps missed training will only benefit. Why not wait for the day when actually there is a desire to train. This is the right idea. Laziness has no harm to anyone, because laziness - a holiday.

2. The risk of injury. A good reason to opt out of any training. Have you ever heard the torn muscle or joint breaks down? You need this? No training - there is no risk. Health is more important than beautiful figure, or the ability to lift heavy weights.

3. Poor health. Listen to your body. Today you sneeze? Perhaps overtired at work, slept poorly or do not have time for lunch. What kind of training in this case, can we talk? You do not want to drive yourself completely ... Exercise is necessary only when you are in great shape!

4. Important business. They tend to appear at the precise moment when you need to go somewhere. Before training is required to remember can you urgently need to send e-mail to a friend or wash the dishes and take out the trash?

5. Time. How much time do you spend on each workout? Just one hour? You do not say! Calculate the time required to collect the road and rest after a workout. This is at least 3 hours. You can find 1000 ways to spend this time with more benefits than exercise.

6. Money. You have a lot of them? OK, then this option is not for you. Seen a good sports club worth a king's ransom. We can also add the cost of sportswear and sports supplements. How much accumulates in a year? For that amount, for example, could fly to the rest in some nice place.

7. Result. In addition, you heats the air in the room from your workouts have at least some results? Look at yourself in the mirror and be honest. Even if an outcome is, is it worth all the effort? You have not tired? If - no, you are most likely born in the year of the donkey.

Tags: work out