10 habits that make a flat stomach

 On a flat press dreams, almost every one of us. But here's how to make in your life habits to help make a flat tummy do not know everything. On the pages of women's magazine JustLady, 10 assistants in the pursuit of beauty and harmony


Stress - The first cause of the accumulation of belly fat. Stress increases levels of cortisol, a hormone that promotes the accumulation of belly fat, says Jacob Seidel (Ph.D., National Institutes of Health in Bilthoven, the Netherlands).

To relieve tension perfect following exercise. Sits in a quiet and convenient location. Gaining a deep breath and slowly exhale. This clarifies the head.

Continuing to breathe deeply, focus on pronouncing the word "one" on each exhalation. (If distracted, do not worry. Again, focus on the word "one".) Do exercises for 5-10 minutes once or twice a day.

Forget about alcohol

A glass of wine at dinner - and you're not intermeddle in jeans. Alcohol increases cortisol levels, putting fat on your stomach, says Dr. Seidel.

Stop smoking

 "Smoking helps me to be fit," - says the majority of smokers. But the fact that smokers belly fat focuses more than non-smokers, says Dr. Seidel.

Eat plenty of fiber foods

This has a positive effect on weight loss (fiber fills the stomach and therefore does not feel hunger) and thus does not cause constipation, which can cause bloating, said Lawrence J.. Cheskin, MD, a gastroenterologist and director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management in Baltimore .
Daily enough to eat 25 to 38 grams of fiber in the form of food cereals, fruit and vegetables or food additives.

Drink plenty of water

In the premenstrual period drink a lot of water. This will help remove the swelling, without harming the general condition of the body.

Do not forget about the bones

Osteoporosis - A disease that affects the bone. Weak bones of the spine are not able to hold the weight of the body, and this may eventually lead to stoop.

 "Slouch, there is no room for abdominal and stomach starts to bulge so" - says Vilibald Nagler, MD, a retired physical therapist at New York Cornell Medical Center.

If you are 50 or more, you need every day to take 1200 mg of calcium from food or supplements. (If you are under 50, the daily intake of calcium - 1000 mg.)


No exercises will help make a flat stomach, while the muscles are hidden layer of fat. The best way - aerobic exercise 45 to 60 minutes, five times a week. After Barbara Taylor, Pasadena, California, started to run, walk, climb stairs at least an hour, five times a week, she has not only opened the abdominal muscles. She lost weight size from 16 to 4, while dropping about 30 kg.

Retractable stomach

Jeanette Friedman, 54, of Austin, Texas offers to imagine that inside the "magnet that pulls the stomach to the spine." "The maximum draw the belly, that it does not cause discomfort, and soon it will become a habit - like breathing - she says - Do it always, as soon as you remember. Soon get used. "

Getting rid of excess weight

Angela Susi, 50, of Vancouver, British Columbia, got rid of 13 cm at the waist and lost weight from 12 to 3 sizes. "In April, I got in a swimsuit she wore in 20 years! - She said - It's like a new birth! Became much flatter stomach muscles more visible. " Set a goal - exercise two or three times a week.

Presses abdominal muscles

Exercise as much as possible while standing. In this case, the abdominal muscles are working. "It helps keep the body in a certain weight and strengthen it," - says Temi Strunk, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, fitness instructor.
Take care of yourself. Posture should always be correct, and the abdominal muscles - pulled, but do not hold your breath.

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