In category Beauty: Phyto cosmetics
In these days are changing the atmospheric pressure and movement of water. Full moon - is at low tide when the water like a "compressed". New Moon, on the contrary, "expands" the water and causes a rush. Because of these external processes in our body metabolism is also changed (the distribution of water and minerals).
In the full moon water "out" into the cells from the intercellular space, and the new moon, the reverse process: water moves from the cells to the tissues. Given these features, you can periodically follow a diet that will enhance the process of moving water in the body, cleanse the body, activate the breakdown of fats and toxins.
Diet for a full moon, based on fluid intake, allows us to derive the excess water from the extracellular space and will not collect it. It allows you to deal with fluid retention. Diet for the New Moon removes water from the body, toxins and stimulates lipolysis (breakdown of fat).
Single The advantage of this diet is that it breaks the usual diet, "shakes" body, helping him to fully use the reserves of enzymes (which are needed to digest food, and assimilate nutrients).
Each of the two "lunar" diets can be carried out in two modes: short (24 hours for a full moon and new moon for 36 hours) and extended (up to 6 days). Contraindications - some metabolic diseases, such as diabetes or a bleeding disorder.
Diet during the full moon:
24 hours: It starts on the eve of the full moon after dinner and lasts 24 hours. The menu includes only liquid. You can drink plain water (spring, boiled, mineral), fresh juices, a diuretic. It is better to squeeze the juice from fresh fruit and vegetables. The result was not long in coming: you will lose from 250 g to 1 kg, get rid of the swelling and cleanse the body.
6 days: In the three previous starvation in the next two days (a total of six, including the day of fasting) a course of clinical nutrition vegetables. On the first day, eat only raw and cooked vegetables. In the next two days, and two days after fasting eat only pineapple and mushrooms (there must be four times a day). Pineapples have a diuretic effect and prevents the absorption of fat in the intestine. Mushrooms should eat cooked with spices or small amounts of unrefined olive oil (first cold pressed). Mushrooms are low in calories, and calories of protein, feed the muscle.
Warning: this diet should not last longer than six days (including the day of starvation)! You can even limited to three days, for example, the day of raw and cooked vegetables, then a day of fasting and pineapple-day mushroom diet. You can do just one day - before or after fasting.
The result - an effective cleansing of the body and weight loss of 1-3 kg, depending on the duration of the diet.
New moon
36 hours: This diet starts at 18 pm on the eve of the new moon and lasts up to 6-7 hours of the following morning. The menu includes vegetable soups and broths 4-5 times a day. The soup can be prepared from your favorite vegetables (carrots, potatoes, peppers, beans, roots). Vegetable broth valuable their diuretic properties, but in order to avoid monotony, you can once a day to pamper yourself broth of poultry, meat or fish. Vegetable soups and broths supply the body with minerals. For a more effective impact on weight is better to restrict the broth. But in soups contain fiber, which reduces the feeling of hunger.
The result - an intensive washing of the body and weight reduction of about 500 g If you use only vegetable broth, losing weight can make 1 kg.
6 days: Three new moon preceding and following it two days you eat only raw and cooked vegetables. Do not forget that you have to adapt themselves to their diet needs. No need to turn the diet torture. The only restriction - the diet should not last longer than 6 days.
The result - weight loss of 1-3 kg depending on the duration.