Woman ... age and diet

 With age, many women often there is a problem with being overweight. The main reason for these manifestations, hormonal changes that occur in women aged 40-45 years. Based on the research set another important reason why the elderly women start to gain weight - altered sense of taste makes them irresistible cravings. Studies have shown that 35 percent of women, past menopause, cease to perceive the sweetness and therefore do not control their presence in the diet, but 45% of deliberately include in your diet more sweets than before. Only 15-20% of women still continue to limit yourself to sugary despite his age.  

And what tests do not throw yourself a woman to lose weight, but unfortunately it becomes not so easy to do compared with ladies 20-30 years of age. Why is this happening?

The main feature of menopause there is a decrease in the body's ability to produce hormones. And due to the fact that this process is protracted in women and changes in shape (the deposition of fat in the waist hip, abdomen, and the lower face and the forearm) with amplitude waves occur at times. This can be explained here than. Female body in preparation for menopause, rebuilt under it, and hormonal changes are more actively influence, in turn, on the redistribution of body fat with increasing number of. This buildup of fat required by the body, as with a decrease in production by the ovaries sex hormones (estrogen), this function assumes the adipose tissue. This process is very important for the health of older women. But persistent attempts to get rid of excess fat can lead to a decrease in estrogen levels, which will lead to an aggravation of climacteric symptoms (insomnia, fluctuations in body temperature, skin condition, etc..d.). The process of building podzhirovoy fiber is not only in obese women, but not as strange and in women with thin physique. It is believed that overweight women are easier to tolerate menopausal changes. And apparently it's almost not shown. Complexion does not change, wrinkles are less visible.

I would not recommend women after 45 years of famine and low-calorie diets and strenuous exercise. They only exacerbate the problem of excess weight and can significantly harm the health.
During this period, it is recommended fractional, thought out to eat, not to gain excess weight quickly. Also, do not try to regain her maiden in harmony, not to stand. Indeed, for such attempts often end very badly. But do not despair. Should wait until menopause, and then used the diet will have a far greater effect and harm from them the body is much less.

It is also important to know that at the same time with a decrease in hormone production is a change in the metabolic processes of the body. During this period the intensive calcium excreted, leading to a weakening of inert fabric subsequently to diseases such as osteoporosis, spinal diseases. Bone fractures. Any diet during this period is fraught with the fact that the body will not receive much-needed dose of calcium.

Particularly harmful during menopause, cholesterol-rich foods, as it increases the risk of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which in former times prevented estrogen, which the body produces in sufficient quantities. Pres is 2-3 times increased risk of strokes and heart attacks.
As a conclusion I want to note that women between 40 and 50 years should be very careful with the use of diets should better reconsider your lifestyle, making it more active. The effectiveness of the diet during this period minimum, and harm to the body will be dealt a 100%.

Author: Anatoly Pashustin
According to the materials: http://dieta.co.ua/

Tags: diet, age