Which diet prolongs life?

 American scientists from the University of Louisiana found that low-calorie diet can help to increase life expectancy. It turns out that a diet low in calorie content results in a decrease in body temperature and in blood insulin levels. And these are the factors that are biological markers of longevity.

Topic "Lose Weight Together" Japanese diet

American scientists from the University of Louisiana found that low-calorie diet can help to increase life expectancy. It turns out that a diet low in calorie content results in a decrease in body temperature and in blood insulin levels. And these are the factors that are biological markers of longevity.

Medical science has accumulated a lot of evidence that caloric restriction increases maximum life span in several animal species. As for men, they have the relevant evidence has not been obtained.

An experiment was conducted on volunteers who are overweight but not obese. Participants were divided into four groups, which differ in the degree of caloric intake and physical activity. Volunteers in the control group were fed according to the recommended calorie intake. The second group was reduced calorie diet by 25% in the third - 12, 5%, and calories using additional physical activity is increased by the same amount - 12, 5%. In the 4th group of study participants consumed 890 calories a day, with a consequent increase in caloric intake to a level at which the body weight was 15% lower than the initial values.

 Six months later, the participants in the control group lost an average of 1% of the initial weight. In the second group - about 10%. But participants who were sitting on a diet with the lowest calories, on average, got rid of 14% of the mass.

Everyone who consumed a reduced number of calories, it was noted a decrease in insulin levels in the blood and decrease in body temperature compared with the initial values. Yes, besides, they were identified fewer DNA damage - errors occurring during cell division.

The researchers explain that these figures are known markers of longevity.

The final proof of the relationship between energy intake and life expectancy will be obtained after the completion of the long-term clinical trials.

Tags: diet, extension