Want to lose weight? Find out how the stars!

 From my own experience I know that to lose weight "quickly and permanently" wants to practically any woman, regardless of age and social status. Some of this is simply not recognized. But looking at billboards or watching a new film with another slim Hollywood diva in the title role, we want it even more.  

Of course, you may speculate that "a good man should be a lot" or that men love women "with forms." But, most of all, the fashion for slender and fit will not leave you indifferent.

If you feel uncomfortable in your body, you have a few extra pounds, from which you would love to get rid - immediately get to work. Set yourself a goal and succeed. Especially that ways and methods to lose weight in a lot of our time. You do not have to invent itself, just come to the matter seriously - and find the way that suits you.

Sometimes, going to the pharmacy or any store, you wonder a huge number of submitted vials, bottles, tea for weight loss. In the bookstore shelves are stacked relevant literature. All promise incredible results in a short time. Choosing among all this diversity, it is very easy to get lost and confused. Try to understand.

And So,medications for weight loss. How many now offer us numerous companies that have developed tablets, pills, teas and other beverages. Magical effect promise everything! Drink a glass of cocktail - and a few pounds is gone. A tablet, adopted during the meal, burn all the calories! Do not believe it! Especially how these supplements to your body and health, manufacturers are silent. Sagging skin, weight return after the end of the reception - only part of the problems that may arise. Science is not yet known what the consequences for you and your body can lead techniques like drugs in 10-20 years. And the price is not so innocuous: the approximate amount with which you rasstaneshsya one "slimming course" - not less than 1500 rubles. Happy one: now booming cocktail - meal replacements and magic pills ebbed. Still live on powders women of the XXI century is not to your taste ...

Another equally common in our time the way -acupuncture. With the wisdom of the East, acupuncture and our "yin and yang" can really reduce your appetite. Now many women lose weight with the help of golden needles on the auricle. Set skilful hand needle can actually reduce appetite and lead to weight loss. But this method of weight loss should be treated very carefully, because if you will fall unqualified expert, you can not only gain extra pounds, but also to get a bunch of other problems. All the more so for the "magic needle" will have to pay not less than 1500 rubles for each (usually put 2-3 pieces in one ear). Do not forget also about the 1500 - 2000 rubles for further examinations, which are held at least twice a year, depending on the number of pounds, which I would like to say goodbye. That count.

Regulate appetite "in Chinese," by the way, it is possible and using relatively simple way - with hunger pangs actively massage the ear: they say that it is the center of appetite, leading to the brain. Honestly, not tested.

Naturally, we can not forgetabout dietWho were and are probably the most popular way to lose weight. Their diversity never ceases to amaze. Now we can choose a diet that you do not have to say goodbye to your favorite dishes (there is even a chocolate diet!).

Stars like ordinary women are not perfect. They also often have problems with the figure and being overweight. Of course, many of them have resorted to a radical way of getting rid of fat - plastic surgery, but those who truly care about yourself and your body, choose a scalpel diet.

Claudia Schiffer at growth of 1, 80 m is a constant weight of 57 kg. The supermodel is not able to sit on a diet all the time. It is fully powered, drinking all their meal with green tea. And if you still want to clear a few pounds, it sits on a three-day diet: the morning - one boiled egg, 3 hours - about 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, which is washed down with tea, even after three hours - the same thing. After that, until the next morning to drink the mineral water only. Two or three days on this diet - and you can get rid of 3-5 kg, promises star. Diet can be repeated 1 time in 1, 5-2 months, not more, because it is very hard for the body.

Another example - Kylie Minogue. She became one of the first fans Montignac diet. Montignac told all the people who are dissatisfied with their body shape and weight of the glycemic index, and said that all sweet, flour, cooked without skin, as well as refined products (white rice, porridge noodles) - the enemy of good figure. Because of the high glycemic index, they do not provide prolonged satiety. I would like to note that with proper observance of Montignac system works flawlessly. In all of this is very good for your health!

We should not forget about the Kremlin diet, which recently fired the minds of our compatriots.

And on this diet were both men and women, as well, and absolutely no avail. The main principle of "Kremlevka" is that all the products a certain amount of power assigned arbitrary units. This table can be found both on the Internet and in bookstores. The essence of the Kremlin diet is that meat can have an unlimited amount, but you need to strictly limit the intake of carbohydrates.

In order to lose weight or maintain your weight, you need to make your own menu with the following parameters:

for losing weight daily "budget" should not exceed 40 USD per day;
for those who want to stay in shape - from 40 to 60 USD .;
with "cost" more than $ 60 daily body weight begins to increase.
With the help of another simple diet beauty Liv Tyler dropped 10 kg for the role in the movie "Lord of the Rings. Fellowship of the Ring." The main principle - eat only vegetables, fruits, whole grains and drink plenty of water. For a period of cleansing diet should completely eliminate caffeine from your diet, meat, fish, dairy products and alcohol.
But before you decide to sit down on one of these or any other diet, go to the forum and Cleo Read the reviews to help protect you and your body, or share your experience - maybe it will help other women who are struggling with being overweight.

Lose weight without resorting to very strict dietary restrictions, and can be through sports. Physical activity within reason, of course, useful for the female body.

It is through the exercise Star MTV, singer and actress Jessica Simpson could again get in shape. Returning from a long summer vacation, she was horrified to find that pretty put on weight. Just 3 weeks later at his own concert singer looked slim as ever, without the slightest hint of excess weight. Weight loss secret was simple: a young star turned to his coach Mike Alexander requested as soon as possible to prepare for her special exercise program; Jessica had to deal with for 5-7 hours a day and lose 2-3 pounds per week in order to gain the previous form.

But experts as a normal weight loss program recommended by losing 1-1, 5 kg of body weight per week. So it is not very often resort to such stress on the body! And, of course, some dietary restrictions still need to comply with.

Quite unexpected and quick way to get rid of extra pounds is stress. For example, Nicole Richie, the adopted daughter of the famous American singer and socialite and star of American reality show "The Simple Life", says that the cause of sudden weight loss, which saw the whole world was not the surgeon's knife and miraculous diet and drugs and stress. Nicole told: "I just could not bear the consequences without all the events that have befallen me lately, I could not eat, without even realizing how much I'm getting thinner."

It should be noted that each of us is free to choose the way of life, those diets and weight loss methods that are right for her.

I also want to give some fairly simple and not new, but not becoming any less effective, the Council:

Do not weigh every morning. 1 is best done once a week, for example on Mondays. Be sure to do it on an empty stomach and in the morning. In the evening, after eating your weight is unlikely to please you.
Eat only when hungry. It is not necessary to fill your stomach just because it's time for lunch.

Get used to the smaller portions than usual. And eat slowly, then you can eat even the smallest portion.
Fruits eat separately from the main meals, approximately 2 hours after the main power supply.
And most importantly, the mood is positive and optimistic! Believe in yourself. Then just succeed.
Still, it is not necessary to limit yourself around, sometimes your body just needs a bit of chocolate or sweet tea with jam, especially in winter. Just know the measure. And then you are provided with a great figure, appearance and good mood!

But even if all your attempts to lose weight or to nothing, remember the words of the incomparable Elizabeth Taylor: "For years I struggled with weight and suffered terribly because of this. Now, I accept myself for who I am." Listen to her and to love yourself for who you are. After all, you have yourself one.

Tags: star