Urgent problem of excess weight

 Being overweight is often a result of overeating. Overweight suggests that conserved energy in fat accumulated in the body longer than necessary. Body weight can be increased by 2 times compared with the norm, and in some cases much more. Such a state has called obesity.

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Obesity does not come suddenly. It develops gradually. During this period, it is recommended to apply preventive measures, it is much easier to implement than in the future to treat obesity. Constantly need to control your weight, keeping it at a level appropriate to individual requirements.
Currently, there are many formulas that allow the calculation of normal weight. But they all basically converge to one scrip plus - minus 2.3 kg.

I would recommend just such a formula: (height in cm - 100) - 5 kg after 160 cm. Height and weight is desirable to measure without shoes and clothing.

If your weight does not go beyond these boundaries, so it is close to ideal.

In some poor countries, completeness is a sign of wealth, so many people living there tend to gain weight. In developed countries, there is the opposite - in vogue excessive orderliness, and many women go to great lengths to get a little closer to the ideal imposed by mass media.
But before turning to diets, should be carefully examined the causes of obesity, its effects on the body, as well as the impact of rapid a return to the previous weight after exhausting measures to lose weight.

On the occurrence of completeness and obesity is influenced by various factors:
• Genetic predisposition;
• Environment;
• Metabolism;
• Lifestyle;
• Psychology;
• Age-related changes.

Should also be noted that the accumulation of fat in the human body, suggests that the diet receives much more energy than it spends in the web of its vital activity.

With regard to genetic predisposition, according to scientific observations, it can be argued that 80% of cases in obese parents, children are more likely to gain weight than those of lean.

In general, the role of genetic factors are closely linked to environmental exposure. Environmental degradation, impact on human genetics, leading to negative changes that often affect for violation of metabolic processes. Including metabolic disorders, internal changes and acquired diseases, which can then be inherited.

But life on obesity has a huge impact. That's according to them formed a diet and level of physical activity.

By the psychological factors that lead to the fullness include fatigue, agitation, low mood or depression. In this state, people often find comfort in food.

The causes of obesity are strong as a rule, not only physiological and psychological manifestations. This factor greatly complicates any attempt to lose weight, despite a strong desire.
We should also mention the age factor. In both men and women with age increased tendency to be overweight. At the same time in any age group of obese women more than men.

A little extra padding has almost no effect on health. However, a person may experience discomfort and inconvenience because the usual clothes became close. When the weight exceeds 10% of the norm, there is the risk of not only cardiovascular disease but also diabetes, hypertension, back pain, respiratory infections, and increases the likelihood of accidents. As a result, among the overweight people mortality rates are significantly higher than among those with normal weight. However, obesity itself is not considered as a cause of death.

Most people successfully losing weight with the help of a grueling diets, then gradually gaining former weight.
Our bodies are programmed to consume fat cells only very sparingly in the event of a prolonged shortage of nutrients to maintain vitality as long as possible. So men consumption rate of fat cells designed for 2 months, and women at 9 months (during pregnancy). Thus women fat reserves are burned much more slowly than men. Accumulation of fat is easier than burning it. Any diet is a test for the body, after the termination of the body more actively accumulates fat for possible future hungry days. As a result, people are not only gaining former weight, but often gets even better. During the diet in the body are biochemical changes.

As a result, even when using low-calorie foods after the diet, the body will lay still fat cells in reserve. After abandoning the diet fat cells become larger, more active. These qualities are enhanced with each diet. But even during the diet the body tries to save and not to give fat. Thus, the diet encourages the body to work harder to store fat cells and are less likely to burn them. With each new diet, this effect is enhanced.

Author:Anatoly Pashustin
According to the materials: http://dieta.co.ua/

Tags: weight